Eclipse season has begun. Time to embody your personal power!
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Taurus happening 1st May. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Online Gathering - Register here
Join the Eclipses Masterclass for this months New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Register here
Los Angeles: Apr 30th @ 1:27pm
Edmonton: Apr 30th @ 2:27pm
New York: Apr 30th @ 4:27pm
London: Apr 30th @ 9:27pm
Berlin: Apr 30th @ 10:27pm
Delhi: May 1st @ 1:57am
Bali: May 1st @ 4:27am
Brisbane: May 1st @ 6:27am
Los Angeles: May 15th @ 9:13pm
Edmonton: May 15th @ 10:33pm
New York: May 15th @ 12:13am
London: May 15th @ 5:13am
Berlin: May 15th @ 6:13am
Delhi: May 15th @ 9:43am
Bali: May 16th @ 12:13pm
Brisbane: May 16th @ 2:13pm
Just when you thought life couldn’t get more intense, eclipse season arrives! The main theme for this eclipse season is - Embodying (Taurus) your power (Scorpio).
This lunar month is also eclipse season. This eclipse season focuses on power, resources, our shifting values and potentially presents us with some big plot shifts! More of the collective shadow is being revealed, emotions are amplified… this may be a confronting time for many of us.
Eclipses bring great change into our lives. They are moments where our stories can end and complete or even be totally rewritten and even new life stories can begin to emerge. Symbolically eclipses can eclipse people, situations and events into and out of our lives.
I have observed the impact of eclipses for many years and this season is honestly one of the most potent that I have seen as it has the potential for great beginnings and great endings! It is intense and it is building.
Eclipses demand that you do the work to take care of your stuff!
This eclipse season may stir up your emotional pain and reveal what is hiding in your shadow. Trauma that has resulted from the misuse of power both at the individual level and the collective level will be more obvious.
If this is happening for you, try not to resist it. Instead, try to observe and maybe write down what is coming up so that you can allow this cycle to help you know without any doubt what needs to be released and how to heal your deep pain.
This cycle begins with a magnificent new moon solar eclipse in Taurus where you can initiate and embody new beginnings that result in sustaining and nourishing you!
This solar eclipse, which is really a new moon on steroids, is an opportunity to come back to yourself and initiate powerful new beginnings where you can really embody who you have become since the world started going through the big changes.
This eclipse is inviting us all to take an honest look at how we use resources, how we eat, how we live and what we value. Taurus focuses on quality over quantity and working smarter not harder. Many of us are shifting in what we value. Life is changing and this solar eclipse is an opportunity for you to look at the issues of resources, how you work and your values in your own life and recognise how they are changing.
The Taurus solar eclipse is a moment to stop and deeply contemplate what really matters to you. How can you bring it all back to the true and simple essence? This eclipse presents you with a moment to tune into, realign with and connect to your core soul values that nourish and sustain you no matter what is going on out in the collective story.
At the time of the solar eclipse, we have a magical line up in Pisces of Jupiter, Venus, Neptune and Mars!
Pisces is the sign where everything can dissolve and complete. With multiple planets lining up in Pisces, something is ending and healing. As the old is dissolving, this alignment is also planting new seeds of healing and hope. This configuration really tells us not to give up and that healing is on the way and that as one thing is ending and dissolving something better is on the horizon that you are making space for in your life!
You may not notice things happening right away so take note of the major themes in your current life. It may be more subtle but a shift is underway for sure! Take note of April 2022, remember what you are thinking about and who and what shows up in your world?
Even though this is a more subtle and yet extremely healing and divine configuration, it is actually visible to the naked eye just before sun rise up into early May. This is a stunning visual experience of these beautiful celestial bodies and if you go out and have a look, you can do a prayer, make a wish, ask for healing or just enjoy the visual beauty!
Then there is the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - one of the most powerful moments to release unhealthy power dynamics, old karmic loops, pain and trauma you will see in your life time!
This is a full moon, super moon (close to the Earth), TOTAL lunar eclipse in the water sign (emotions) of transformation and rebirth - Scorpio! All of this adds up to a deep dive into our shadows where we have misused or been abused by the misuse of power both collectively and individually.
This total lunar eclipse may stir up intense emotions and pain. Embrace this and work with releasing and letting go. Lunar eclipses come in every 6 months to give us the opportunity to release, clear out the old, reset ourselves and cut ties with unhealthy karmic loops so that we can keep evolving!
Uranus in Taurus is involved strongly in both eclipses.
In fact Uranus will be in aspect to these 2 eclipses plus the next 4 so that’s a total of 6 eclipses with Uranus strongly in the mix. We need to look at what this planet represents.
Uranus wants us to move forwards and to keep evolving towards a better future. evolving and when Uranus is involved so strongly, we may see more plot twists and more unexpected twists and turns both personally and collectively! But remember, this pattern is focused on the new paradigms and evolution of the species! Be open to great change and innovation… embrace the new!
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
April 30th - Intense transformation!
With Pluto turning retrograde just before the new moon solar eclipse, we are in for some deep transformative work. Pluto turning retrograde right at the solar eclipse is letting us know that we must transform our relationship to our resources, values and how we sustain ourselves and the Earth! We can’t bypass this one!
May 1st - Most luckiest combination! Get out and have a look before dawn.
This is a magical combo! Venus rules love, joy and abundance and Jupiter expands all he touches. Get out and catch these bright beauties and make a wish! Allow some magic into your life as we travel through this eclipse portal.
May 2nd - The Goddess in her warrior mode!
Venus has been on a long journey and she has gone through multiple transformations. She is getting stronger every day and once she steps into Aries, the Goddess of love, relationships and abundance will be ready to take action and initiate new beginnings! This is just after the solar eclipse new moon so hopefully this gives our seeds and intentions a potent boost!
May 11th - Reviewing communication and values.
There is just so much going on with Taurus and with our values that we just can skip over a deep review of how we communicate our needs. The negative side of Mercury retrograde. in Gemini is the potential for break down in communication or misunderstanding. Be sure to double check what you are writing and be super mindful of what you are saying. The positive side is that it can be a great time to reorganise your world and to review the way you communicate and think about things, especially resources and how you resource yourself.
May 12th - The Guru in his warrior mode!
The Guru in Aries is also energising! This move of Jupiter into Aries could spark new wisdom and new approaches to global situations. There may be a call for more wisdom and new justice when it comes to war… hopefully!
May 20th - Positive yet intense transformation!
In world astrology (events that take place at the collective level), when Pluto and the Sun are in a positive aspect like the trine, this can mean that positive transformation is possible especially when it comes to world leaders. Again, I am praying that this manifests strongly for our world right now especially with regard to war and global resources!
Major Lunar Themes
April 30th/May 1st depending where you are in the world
The world has changed dramatically and this process of change is not going to end or slow down any time soon. We have been challenged on how safe and secure we feel on planet Earth. Our everyday resources have been, and will continue to be challenged and many people are looking at ways that they can self-sustain!
This eclipse is a magical and divine new moon on steroids where you are invited to really ground in and embody powerful nourishing intentions and your greatest wishes for what will sustain and support you as the world continues to go through a powerful process of change!
This is an opportunity to come back to yourself and embrace the new paradigms the are emerging as you lean into powerful new beginnings and really embody who you have become since the world started going through big changes.
If you feel called to work with this eclipse and harness the magic and potency then please register for my Eclipses Masterclass!
This Taurus solar eclipse is a moment to stop and deeply contemplate what really matters to you. How can you bring it all back to the true and simple essence? Our collective values are shifting and this eclipse will present you with a moment to tune in and connect to your core soul values.
Write down 3 core values that really matter to you and remember this is a moment to embody power and to work with strong intentions that really empower you!
It is also a powerful moment to embrace and embody new intentions that are focused on supporting you to stay strong as we weather the great storms of change and collective, social disruption on Earth.
Venus is conjunct Jupiter at this eclipse and this is a massive injection of positive possibilities! Make a wish! It may just come true!
Pluto turning retrograde just before this eclipse forcing us to really journey deep adding potency to this moment!
This is such a divine lunation for truly new beginnings, take the time to really get more in touch with how you sustain yourself. It’s a time to ask how self-resourced are you? It is also a time to potentially innovate the way you sustain yourself.
A new sense of stability is possible at this solar eclipse… actively claim this and seed it in. Write down what your greatest wish is for yourself! What wishes in your life will truly support you, sustain you, nourish you and give you a strong sense of stability?
May 15th/16th depending where you are in the world
This is a full moon, super moon (close to Earth), TOTAL lunar eclipse in Scorpio! Wowsers… this is a deep, potentially emotionally intense, but extremely transformative lunar eclipse.
This eclipse will actually last 90 minutes! So not only is it intense, but it’s long too! We have such an incredible opportunity to journey deep and release old baggage, old pain and old beliefs that no longer serve us!
With the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse you are invited to face your shadow. Scorpio rules the places we generally don’t want to go and this includes the collective stories playing out on Earth. The next 18 months will disrupt hidden power agendas in the collective story.
But you can work with this energy to really heal the shadow, face hard truths, purge and release old stuck energy and old karmic loops at this eclipse!
At the time of the eclipse, take a moment to tune into the most difficult pains in your life. Do this consciously. Be aware. You don’t need to be scared as you are going into this through your mind with the understanding that you are connecting with this pain so that it can release. Yes it’s difficult, but the release and the clearing out you will experience is truly worth it!
If you are wanting to dive more deeply with the energy of release then I have 2 great offerings for you to work with the energy of this potent eclipse in a safe container. Register first for the Eclipses Masterclass here where I will go through the eclipses and the current astrology!
Plus, to dive deeper, I am offering a live Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio event where we will dive into a deep journey and ritual to clear out all of your negative karmic loops in the potent energy of the eclipse portal!
This full moon is a total lunar eclipse making it one of the most potent moments for releasing past traumas, cutting ties with the past, ending negative patterns, interrupting karmic loops and basically purging all that no longer serves you that I have ever seen!
In Summary:
This lunar month has potential for big shifts at the global level. If you are already really feeling the energies stirring up then please join me on the Eclipses Masterclass live call on April 28th 8am AEST, where I will break down the eclipses and how you can work with the energies in more detail.
And if you have some old and heavy karmic loops and emotional pain you are ready to release then please join me for the Live Online Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Gathering / Event May 13 8am AEST, where I will take you on a deep journey to release and heal old pain and trauma in this potent eclipse portal. This is a safe space to heal, release and reset your soul!
There is really something about our collective and individual trauma coming up at this time but this planetary line up tells me it is coming up to heal and complete and if you work with the cycles consciously, you can start to ask yourself “Who am I when I have transcended my trauma and negative conditioning?”. This is a big question and the answer is going to come back to just being you!
The big configuration in Pisces tells us something wants to truly heal and complete and potentially a whole new cycle of healing for humanity is beginning! We can more easily access the compassion and understanding required for true healing and true forgiveness to occur at this time! Most of what is being healed is ancestral and not even ours, so it really is time to just let it go!
So don’t be scared if you have pain and strong emotions coming up at this time… let it go… journey with it and know that it is coming up for healing and completion!
Stay safe everyone and journey well!
With love always,
Paula x
Eclipses Masterclass Taurus / Scorpio
Learn how to understand and work with and understand the upcoming Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus and the Total Full moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio!
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of a Lunar Eclipse. This month the eclipse full moon is in Scorpio and the focus will be on healing and letting go.
Connect with me on Instagram
I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.