It’s Eclipse Month - Prepare To Finally Get Unstuck!
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse happening October 14th/15th. This contains:
Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month including a deep dive into the New Moon Solar Eclipse & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Themes.
Join my Patreon Community (starting at only $8 AUD) for a deeper exploration of these themes, horoscopes, bespoke rituals based on the more esoteric meaning of each lunation to help you harness the power of the cycles and more!
Los Angeles: Oct 14th@ 10:55am
Edmonton: Oct 14th @ 11:55am
New York: Oct 14th @ 1:55pm
London: Oct 14th @ 6:55pm
Berlin: Oct 14th @ 7:55pm
Delhi: Oct 14th @ 11:25pm
Bali: Oct 15th @ 1:55am
Brisbane: Oct 15th @ 3:55am
Sydney: Oct 15th @ 4:55am
Los Angeles: Oct 28th @ 1:24pm
Edmonton: Oct 28th @ 2:24pm
New York: Oct 28th @ 4:25pm
London: Oct 28th @ 9:24pm
Berlin: Oct 28th @ 10:24pm
Delhi: Oct 29th @ 1:54am
Bali: Oct 29th @ 4:24am
Brisbane: Oct 29th @ 6:24am
Sydney: Oct 29th @ 7:524am
This eclipse season will potentially activate your mind in ways that show you where you are stuck. Look it all in the eye with courage!
Can you feel something brewing? It’s eclipse month and these eclipses are coming in strong to help you to awaken and evolve and get unstuck from old toxic beliefs, fears and myths that are holding you back from feeling alive and from feeling love in your life!
Before we get into all things eclipses, I want to talk about the concept of time and how it is going through a huge process right now.
Have you noticed a shift in the way time feels? Or have you noticed a shift in the way you want to spend your time? Are you feeling a desire to spend more time doing things that actually bring you joy?
Did you know that prior to the industrial revolution the normal work day looked very different. People’s lives weren’t ruled by the clocks and by fake lighting but were actually determined by the seasons and the amount of natural light in the day? Now, we live in a world where we are told that people have always worked this hard and been this busy and that we actually have more leisure time? This is not actually true and the astrology of the moment and the next couple of decades suggest that these myths are in a process of great change!
We are living through some greater cycles that coincide with the times of the Industrial Revolution which is said to have happened between 1760 and 1840. During the Industrial Revolution there was a huge shift in the work day - the way people spent their time. The shift from farms to factories saw the rise of factory owners wanting to increase profitability and this meant getting humans in the factories to work longer shifts and spend more hours working than ever seen before in history!
The current cycles are bringing this whole dynamic into a new alignment. We are potentially living through another revolution and this appears to be focused on the development of new technology. At least this is how it appears at this stage but we won’t really know until we can look back with hindsight.
The myth that external forces can have constant and full control of our time are starting to unravel. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces at the same time as Pluto working through the powerful and final degrees of Capricorn, we are in a huge process of unravelling the deception and the control of people driven by corporate agendas. The unchecked need for power and control are starting to be disrupted as the scales have clearly tipped too far and it’s time for some realignment.
The people are getting tired of the extreme wealthy getting wealthier. It’s obvious to see that the balance is way out and something not only needs to, but is going to shift. Then, with Pluto moving back into Aquarius from January to September next year, we are going to see the people gaining power and the potential for a huge shift of power! I’m going to explore all of this and more in my free 2024 Astrology Forecast if you aren’t already, you can subscribe here to be the first notified of the release of my yearly E-Book forecast!
But how does this tie in with these eclipses? Eclipses happen approximately every 6 months. They are a time where the regular patterns are interrupted and out of the ordinary events can occur in your life. Eclipses can bring forth unconscious patterns for healing giving you an opportunity to reset, rebalance and adjust your personal karmic story.
The themes of taking back personal agency and power will be activated this season as Pluto and Saturn will be turning direct and amplifying the need for all of us to evolve especially when it comes to time, tradition and the old negative versions of the corporate, power-over hierarchical organised structures!
We have to organise life on Earth in new ways to adapt to the changing world we are living in and this is where you can be a step ahead of the global shifts and tune into what is changing. Rather than resist the changes, you can open yourself to something amazing and new. Work with these eclipses to take back personal agency from the unhealthy structures that want to control your time and life force.
At the Solar Eclipse in Libra - the sign of relationships - let go of your old relationship myths. Take your power back and if your fears are stopping you from giving love, let them go. Work with the power of the cycles to get honest and purify how you love and clear any blocks to your full expression of love. Face the fears that keep you looping in old relationship myths. Unravel the patterns that keep you trying to make things work that you deep down know are over.
Then, at the Lunar Eclipse, face your fears around security and safety and let go of any beliefs and myths about money and wealth. Did you know that before the industrial revolution very few people had savings? They mostly worked when they needed money to live. There was nothing excessive to buy! People would simply take time off when they didn’t need more money. I’m not saying that everything was better in the past, there was so much that was not great such as medical care, but what I am saying is that we have lived differently and that it is a choice!
With Pluto moving into Aquarius next year and then permanently for approximately 20 years in 2024, the masses will have more power and are going to be getting ready to make a big change and I’m giving you a heads up so that you can align with the new ways right now!
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
October 11th/12th - Face your fears and reclaim your power!
This is happening just before the first eclipse! The last time Pluto was at this point in history was in 1776 right in the middle of the industrial revolution! As I shared earlier, this eclipse season is amplified by these themes and you may find your doing some deep inner work to purify and release the old ways that no longer work.
Pluto takes you deep into the shadows. But ultimately, Pluto only wants to give you your power back. However, first you need to see where you gave it away and this Eclipse Season is your moment to get clear on the power dynamics within your interpersonal relationships and your relationship with your fears! Look it all in the eye this month and by the time you get to Christmas and New Year, you will feel stronger than you have in years!
We can’t hide anymore from the consequences of the past but we can let go, forgive ourselves for not understanding and make a strong commitment to being brave, to heal and to keep moving forwards and embracing new frontiers.
Venus wants to balance out the ego and greed and humble us.
Venus is the ruler of Libra and Taurus and is therefore the ruling planet of each eclipse so we need to see what condition the planet of love is in. This lunar month Venus spends most of her time in Virgo - the sign she will be residing in during each eclipse.
Venus in Virgo brings a dynamic of honing in on the details. She will demand that you get real and focus on pattern recognition. Are there things you have been doing over and over again with no results? Let it go! Stop trying to fix things that are part of an old world and that you deep down know are never going to change!
Take back your power. Focus your attention and energy on areas that you can evolve and grow. Venus is demanding you get honest and precise and stop lying to yourself and believing in the old myths about what it means to live a happy life.
At the Libra Solar Eclipse she is just coming out of and will still be under the influence of a powerful opposition with Saturn. This is a reality check dynamic and will be powerfully supporting you to really get honest about your relationship stories and myths.
All lunar month, Venus will be helping you to get unstuck and to recommit to your relationships with a deeper and more honest intention. She wants to strengthen your relationships, but she needs you to get real and to let go of trying to make things work that are beyond repair. She won’t be in a protection mode at the Solar Eclipse, but that’s because she wants to support you to get clear on what’s finished.
Then at the Taurus Lunar Eclipse she is actually in a super lovely aspect to Uranus! Something you were working through when Venus was square Uranus late September is ready to move forwards! Something wants to resolve and you may find that you can actually make sense of any unexpected twists and turns that have been playing out in your life. Venus will help you have some breakthroughs and really get unstuck.
November 4th - Old concepts of time are changing.
This is happening just days after the Lunar Eclipse and this is a significant pattern shift as it will support you to continue your personal journey towards a more empowered way of being within your relationships and your personal story of what it is that empowers you and helps you to feel safe and secure in the world.
Saturn moving through Pisces is in a roughly 2 year process of unravelling and dismantling old myths, deceptions and delusional stories. Pisces is symbolic of humanity as one collective consciousness at the level of no separation. The shadow of this is mass deception and the mass hallucinations that manifest as unquestioned beliefs such as working longer means you’re more productive. There is so much evidence now supporting that this is not actually true and to believe in this is buying into a myth.
This is also about dissolving and breaking down any myths you’ve inherited associated with love and relationships. We are living through an incredible time where you get to pull back from the old myths and find yourself living in a profoundly new way that serves you and others at a higher frequency! If you truly activate courage and open yourself to the new ways, then this will be an exciting and liberating time for you. But if you’re resisting change and want things to stay the way they were, you will really struggle. Open up and embrace it all and then you will find yourself ahead of the game!
Major Lunar Themes
October 14th/15th depending where you are in the world.
Whatever house, point or planet this lands in or on is going to go through a powerful transformation. Join my Patreon Community where I will be creating in-depth horoscopes for each sign for each eclipse plus rituals and esoteric teachings.
This is a Solar Eclipse new moon which means that the energies of the new moon are amplified! Plus this is a South Node eclipse which implies that we are ready to release, renew and open to something more evolved in areas associated with Libra.
Libra is depicted visually and symbolically as the scales. The scales remind us of the necessary and continuous dance and energetic exchange that occurs between all things. When this exchange gets out of balance, the scales tip and we then add or subtract to rebalance.
This eclipse is asking you to take a good look at the balance in your life. With Venus in Virgo at the time of this eclipse, you are invited to focus in on the details and get real about your life balance.
You may also find you’re looking at your relationships honestly and deeply. Are you giving too much? Are you not giving enough? Are you scared to love?
With South Node travelling through Libra until late 2024, we are all going through a collective process of healing and letting go of old relationship myths. There is a new way of relating that wants to emerge and this eclipse is an opportunity for you to review and rewrite your personal relationship stories.
Love is the most powerful force in this universe and you don’t need to do or be anything to get into the power of love!
Maybe you need to love yourself more? The more you love yourself, the more you can love others. Have you ever tried to care about someone when you’re in a spiral of self loathing? It’s really hard.
Alternatively, if you’re giving too much and keep trying to fix a dead relationship, then this eclipse is a time for you to get honest and real about this. Stop trying to fix something that you know is done. Let it go. Work with this eclipse and get unstuck!
Or maybe you have unrealistic expectations of a relationship based in old traditions and myths?
As you work out the balance, you make yourself available to new relationship agreements and new harmony. When you stop trying to revive things that are obviously done, you can put your focus on what is alive and growing and worthy of your attention!
Spend time at the eclipse doing the most honest assessment you’ve ever done of your relationship patterns. If you do this, this cycle will powerfully support you to evolve the balance in your life and all of your relationships!
To know what this powerful solar eclipse means for you personally, check out my horoscopes in my Patreon Community.
October 28th/29th depending where you are in the world.
This eclipse can really help you to release old ideas of wealth and security. You can shift poverty conscious at this lunar eclipse. It’s time to get real about what it means to live an abundant life on Earth. Do we need to live in so much excess?
This lunar eclipse is the final eclipse in the almost 2 year long Scorpio / Taurus series. This has been a time of being pushed to really look at the way we are living with resources.
Letting go of excess and greed is the key to evolving your personal story in the new karmic patterns that are emerging at this time and through these eclipses. This is a time to become fully aware of what you are investing in.
Any greed, jealousy of what others have, resentment and insecurities may be magnified during the weeks around this eclipse. But you can look at what is important and transform all of this as this is all just a result of your fears surrounding security.
This Eclipse is conjunct Jupiter - there is wisdom in this world! There are people who can support you and guide you. There are people who are focused on the bigger picture and care about humanity and aren’t just in their own ego/greed stories! Look for those people in your life.
Access the resources, people, guides that can help you get through whatever the eclipses are activating for you. Work with your mentors, awaken your inner wisdom and know that you’ve got this. We’ve got this and we can truly keep evolving through this time!
Jupiter will show you how you can expand your vision and your consciousness so that you can access great potentialities through this time!
Jupiter will support you to face your fears and challenges with courage (thanks NN in Aries) and wisdom and the strength to know that you can trade out your fears for great wisdom. Jupiter will help you so much!
If you can truly let go of the old stories around security and safety, you will be rewarded! Jupiter is the great planet of wisdom and wants you to open your mind to greater vision, faith and to more of what is possible!
To know what this lunar eclipse means for you personally check out my bespoke horoscopes, in my Patreon Community.
In Summary:
Reclaim love. Reclaim your value. Detach from the old myths that take your life force and are trying to convince you that you are only valuable based on old notions of what success and love looks like!
With love always,
Paula x
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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.