Stop Focusing on the Drama and Come Back to What Really Matters!


New York: Sep 6th @ 8:52 PM
London: Sep 7th @ 1:52 AM
Berlin: Sep 7th @ 2:52 AM
Delhi: Sep 7th @ 6:22 AM
Bali: Sep 7th @ 8:52 AM
Sydney: Sep 7th @ 10:52 AM


New York: Sep 20th @ 7:54 PM
London: Sep 21st @ 12:54 AM
Berlin: Sep 21st @ 1:54 AM
Delhi: Sep 21st @ 5:24 AM
Bali: Sep 21st @ 7:54 AM
Sydney: Sep 21st @ 9:54 AM

Welcome to The Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Virgo September 6th/7th!

This is a special lunar month. We begin at the new moon in Virgo with an invitation to look within and then the energy peaks at the full moon in Pisces where we expand our compassion to include the whole of humanity! However, there is a bit of a tricky over arching theme with Neptune and Mars.

Mars and Neptune are strongly featured this lunar month as they are in direct aspect to both key lunation's - the full and new moons. Let me break this down. Neptune can be confusing as it is all about expansion. However, Neptune can expand infinitely and without boundaries and this can create a sense of instability, confusion and delusional behaviour. It can even create fear as there is no end and no beginning and we can begin to ask who and what am I? The positive is the expression of the eternal, the oneness and the higher spiritual realms.

Mars rules our life force, energy and passion. Mars is where we take action in our lives. He helps us initiate and move forwards. As everything in this realm is relational, the power and quality of Mars is of course dependant upon other factors and when Neptune is in relation to Mars, things can get hazy.

When Neptune and Mars get together in a difficult aspect like they are now, Neptune can really take the power out of Mars and this can leave us with a feeling of powerlessness, confusion and a general sense of feeling lost and even hopelessness.

I have seen this playing out with many of the people I come across in my work and my general life lately. There is this sense of confusion and what am I doing and where is this all going? This month has this signature woven throughout on a subtle level and we may find many of us are experiencing this kind of dazed sense of confusion.

Many of us are experiencing stronger than normal fear and honestly, the only thing to fear is fear itself. When we are in fear, we lose power instantly. The second we lose power, we lose connection to our intuition and to what is true and real! When we lose this connection, we get out of synch with the harmonious version of evolution and the human ride gets bumpy as life tries it's hardest to get us back on track!

But, this lunar month is offering us a chance to get back into rhythm with evolution!

There is much going on in the celestial realms to support us. I've noticed there is always a balance in the Astrological realms. I wanted to share this over arching theme first so we can know the lay of the land so to speak. This knowledge can help us to make moves in our lives over the next month with an understanding that if we are feeling a bit weird, it makes sense, and that we aren't alone and it really will pass. Understanding the cycles can help minimise fear so we can open our minds and hearts to these cycles and consciously embrace all that is going on right now!

Let's begin with the new moon in Virgo that initiates this lunar cycle. Virgo is symbolic of the Virgin. The symbology of this archetype aligns with the priestess, the priest, the nun, the monk, the mendicant, the sadhu, the yogi, the yogini and any being who has understood the suffering that comes from grasping at things being other than what they are - these are the renunciate's!

These beings have turned away from focusing on the outer and have turned their attention inwards to work through their own internal issues, confusions, misunderstandings, pain, trauma etc. They are focused deeply on healing their inner world as they have realised that this is the only thing they can control.

This new moon is an invitation for each of us to embrace this process of going through a kind of inner audit. Right now, looking outward in this environment of Neptune/Mars confusion, is just going to feed fear and drama. We will do better to work on ourselves as opposed to looking out there and feeding the divisive dynamics at play.

We are invited to not be distracted by the trips going on and to come back to what is sacred and holy within. Virgo calls us to ceremony and spiritual practice. Virgo calls us to take care of our bodies, the earth and to commit to rituals and routines that empower our lives from the ground up. Virgo can see where things are out of harmony and skilfully course correct.

But remember, Virgo does not try to fix the world, but rather calls us all to look truly within and to truly take care of our inner world. Embrace your inner renunciate! It is within each and every one of us to understand that grasping at things being other than what they are only causes suffering!

But only focusing on our inner world can go to the extreme and we must find the balance. Once we have addressed our inner confusion and delusions, we can look to the world and contribute something of value and this is when Virgo realises it's outer purpose and service to the world!

This takes us to the full moon in Pisces for this lunar month. Pisces is all about the collective, empathy, compassion and the reality that we are all in this together and that when you hurt, on some level, so do I. Pisces teaches us that we are in a Universe that includes other beautiful beings! As you have addressed your inner world, you can then unite with the collective in a beautiful way and bring forth all that is within you and this full moon will be an invitation to open up our compassionate hearts and minds.

Neptune rules Pisces and with Neptune featuring strongly at both lunation's, we are in for a journey to really go into the realms of self healing, empathy, compassion and spiritual healing. Both Virgo and Pisces have deep spiritual values. They are coming from different angels but they are both ultimately about what is sacred, holy and divine.

If we align with the highest vibration of this lunar month, we can activate Mars and Neptune at a higher level and engage in the spiritual (Neptune) warrior (Mars)! This could be the exact energy boost we need right now to take some sacred (Neptune) action (Mars) on what we really wish to bring into our lives at this time to support ourselves to transition with life.

It's not easy on Earth right now... for any of us... and we can work with this lunar month to remember this and take a moment to stop focusing on what is going on out there and look within and remember we are all in this great transition together. I have a feeling that this is actually the way to align with evolution.

Major Themes


September 6th/7th

It's confusing out there right now so why not just let go of the drama and turn inwards for a moment? Virgo teaches us the power of ritual and this new moon is a potent moment to stop, look within, do an internal audit on your health and not just your physical health, do an audit on the health of every aspect of your life. Then make the necessary adjustments and then commit to seeing it through!

Uranus is in a positive, open dynamic with this new moon which may be supporting us to open ourselves to the changes that are happening. Uranus is always wanting to disrupt so why not embrace this consciously and allow Uranus to support a necessary disruption in your life. Quit the bad habit! Leave the power draining relationship! Start new healthy habits - it will get traction right now.

This new moon offers an opportunity to do a true internal audit and then to really get traction and new insights into how you can get yourself organised so you can navigate the great changes that are occurring on earth right now!


September 20th/21st

This full moon is asking us to move towards compassion! The cosmos is requesting that we get out of judgement, duality, fear and embrace the ultimate truth that we are actually all one!

This lunation is a moment to open our hearts and minds and to see humanity as a whole as the oneness and the collective that we are! What if we are the only living beings in this universe? We are judging each other so much and we are missing the point! The divisiveness that is going on on Earth right now is disturbing and heart breaking and is distracting us from dealing with real issues.

This full moon will support us to trust in the divine plan. We must not give up - even when it is so hard not to! We must not give up on each other and what is possible for the human species. There are many wonderful developments happening right now. There are people dreaming up solutions for our climate, health and financial problems right now! There are powerful spiritual beings praying for us all in caves, temples, monasteries and some are in their bedrooms in cities too... yes that is us! Open your heart to this and send some love to the world and don't give up on us humans... we are incredible when we want to be and I believe in our desire to survive always overriding out destructive tendencies.

We are living through a powerful historical moment in the evolution of our species. We are living through a transition that is taking humanity to places we can't even imagine. We are not going back and yes this can be confronting but it can also be exhilarating if you tune into the bigger version of the story!

We must all do our best to not buy into the fear, drama and duality of it all. How does freaking out help?

Stay focused. Come back to what is sacred. Look within and never forget that we truly can not survive without each other!

Open your heart this lunar month. Surrender your fears. Trust the plan. And embrace this divinely complex and ever evolving universe that created you!

With love always,

Paula x


Paula interviewed on the Sensitive Matters Podcast: Beyond the Stars


The Universe is Becoming More Complex, But We Were Made for This!