A Positive New Moon, Vishnu & What Sustains You

I’ve always been running in some way. Initially I was running away from my past and pain. Then I started running to keep up with supporting my family. Along side all of this, there has been a strong desire to achieve my highest potential in life, whatever that may be, so there’s this whole running towards enlightenment piece and the hope that enlightenment would fix all of my problems only to discover that maybe running towards it has created some new ones.

There is a new moon in Taurus today May 7/8. This new moon is a potent invitation to reflect on all things Taurus as the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter are all in the sign of Taurus right now. In a nutshell, Taurus represents what sustains you. This is not an energy of running, hustling, achieving and striving but one of slowing down and savouring the moment in ways that support you in going the distance.

Taurus invites you back into your body, into reality and out of the stories so you can get in touch with quality over quantity and excess. Taurus focuses on the true value of things and to know this, you have to get out of your head, slow down the running and let go of all the made up stories in your mind. True value is felt deep in your body. The more you drop into this, the more you can get in contact with what is valuable to you and this will be what sustains you… and… it is usually way more simple than your mind and culture will have you believe… and… you already know what it is.

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever stopped running and I don’t think I’ve got even close to feeling deep in my bones and my body what actually sustains me in any consistent way. There is just so much cultural noise and expectation to wade through, pressure to be more, to achieve more, to have more, to charge more, to earn more, to give more, to grow more, to take more, to recycle more, to watch more, to read more, to know more, to spend more… agh! I think you get it. My heart rate is actually increasing as I’m writing this.

Yet it appears that we are living through a time of stripping all of this excessive noise back and I am personally embracing this as a time of releasing toxic excess in my life in as many ways as I possibly can. I literally spent all of last weekend going through every draw and cupboard and clearing out what is no longer needed. I created 3 piles one for what I wanted to keep, one to give away and one for what needed to be thrown out. It was liberating and supporting me to sort out what is valuable, create space and to slow down the running for a moment.

Alternatively, you can deny and resist these times and some people may even be exploiting these times, however, there is a way to journey with these bigger shifts so that it truly benefits you. You can reach what matters to you deep down by seeing what is left when you have removed the excess clutter in your mind, life and material world.

When I reflect on the teachings of Taurus, I am taken to the teachings of the Hindu God Vishnu. Vishnu is part of the Hindu holy trinity which includes Brahma - the creator, Shiva - the destroyer and Vishnu - the preserver. I am not an expert on Hinduism, however there is such a simple beauty in the way these 3 forces are described as working together in our universe that has helped me experience life in a more profound way. These 3 forces work together to create, destroy and preserve reality and invite you out of the duality of either/or, destruction/creation etc. and into another dimension of reality - the 3rd force of Vishnu which is to preserve and sustain. Without Vishnu there would only be creation and destruction and ultimately, chaos.

If you are only focused on building, starting, creating and achieving, you will eventually meet the force of Shiva - the destroyer. Everything is always changing however, there is a way to move out of focusing only on the extremes of these forces and that is to embrace the power of Vishnu - the preserver, and the force that weaves creation and destruction together.

When I reflect on the energy of Vishnu and the deeper teachings of Taurus, I try to reflect on what it is that sustains me. I have definitely spent much of my life either creating or destroying (and running) and as I age, I am coming to understand the power of Vishnu - the great sustainer more and more and how important it is to preserve what truly matters and to embrace consistency.

Being consistent and holding your sh*t together is not always easy. We are living in a time where the cultural driving force is about more, more and more. Living within your means in a sustainable way is something you need to work out for yourself. But when you can actually hold your sh*t together, preserve and protect what is truly valuable, and to know that you have enough, something very magical can happen in your life.

To sustain something is an art. To continue showing up over time and holding a strong vision for your life, family or project requires strong mindfulness. This is where a daily practice of meditation and true mindfulness can be so powerful as you get to continue connecting back to what matters. You get to slow it all down and engage with what is going on underneath all of the external pressure and noise and it is this that will sustain you. This is what I am committing to more at this new moon, embracing a consistent practice that supports me to come back to what sustains me and to slow down my inner world so that I can at least jog for a bit as opposed to always running :)

This new moon is a wonderful time to embrace what sustains and preserves what is good, valuable and of high quality in your life. You really do already know what that is, however, you need to take some time out to tune into it as it will be underneath the noise and pressure and this new moon is a potent time to do exactly that.

Also, if you have something that is already going well, this is a wonderful new moon to tune into what can help to sustain and preserve this over time and I have a feeling it may not be about doing or being more, but will actually be about embracing quality and nourishing the essence. It’s so simple yet it will probably go against what you’ve been told by society. There really is a liberation with feeling into true Taurus and Vishnu energy.

I’m intentionally moving towards this energy of sustaining what matters. It really feels as though this is the way forwards for all of humanity. It’s so obvious that most of the current problems can be brought back to our species living in excess and letting greed on every level, including the ego trips in the world, off the leash to spiral out of control.

When you let go of excess, you get to strip it all back, you have less to lose and therefore you will have less to fear losing. The less you have to lose, the less you have to protect and fear can be subdued. This leads to freedom and with Aries still being activated in the sky, you will have more agency over your life and more ability to pursue what is meaningful and important for you even if it is opposing mainstream narratives.

This new moon can be super positive if you are able to tune into what it is that sustains you and really nourish that. Take a moment to reflect on what is valuable to you. How much do you actually need? Dive deeper than the stories coming from society and feel deeply in your body what is enough for you. Commit to something that is focused on sustaining you and preserving what is valuable to you at this new moon. Then take a step towards it this week, and, in true Taurean energy, embody this.

Do something Taurean this week to embrace the energy. Get a massage, go for a long walk, meditate, move your body with awareness, eat some delicious and nourishing food. Or, clear out your space and bring your life back to quality over quantity. Do the practical tasks that need doing to clear the space. Then take a moment to lock in the feeling that you are actually ok. All we are letting go of collectively right now is all of the excess nonsense… so we aren’t really losing anything valuable… what a relief!

With love always,

Paula x

p.s. you can book a 90 minute Soul Session with me here xxx


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