Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Event
Guided Meditation & Ritual begins at 53:16
Sit in the energy of the eclipse and write down what needs to go. Be honest. The more honest you are, the more realistic you are, the more powerful this time will be for you and the more you will be supported by the greater cycles to release toxicity from your life as you bring it all back to what really matters.
Once you have cleared this all away you are left with what is valuable. Taurus rules value. Once you have cleared out the excess and toxicity, what remains is what is important and it is usually really simple and easy which is how life can be when we strip it all back to the pure essence!
JOURNAL PROMPTS - Choose an Oracle Card for each question.
What is the main fear to release at this eclipse?
What in my life is already dead that just needs to die
What is toxic in my life that I can purify now?
What is possible when this is all released?
What is being reinvented in my life?
Who am I when I am in my true abundance spiritually and materially?