
Capricorn New Moon Meditation

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and Happy Solstice everyone!

Take a moment to seed in strong intentions and to feel your way forwards. As you align with the rhythm of these deep intentions and take steps and actions you create the forms and structures in the external world so that you can flow into these ways of being without even thinking about it!

Journal Prompts.

Maybe you can lay out an Oracle Card for each of these themes at this New Moon:

  1. Where have you increased in your power in 2022?

  2. How can you support this and to keep increasing in 2023?

  3. What is the most important goal for this lunar month and for the holiday season?

  4. What is the most important focus / intention / goal for the season Winter/Summer?

Take a moment out of the chaos to be with your inner worlds as this new moon to support you to remain in a sacred, evolutionary pattern!


Full Moon in Cancer Event


Full Moon in Gemini Event