Make every day sacred through ritual, prayer and meditation.

I encourage all of my clients to cultivate their own intuition. The journey is different for everyone, however, finding your own ways to quieten your mind and connect inwards is one of most useful life skills you can develop.

You can listen to my free meditations online or join The Lunar Project if you wish to start engaging in monthly moon rituals.

Get monthly moon rituals in your inbox.

The Lunar Project

The Lunar Project is a membership program that invites you to connect to the greater cycles of life through ritual, meditation and ceremony.

Each month you will receive two key rituals that focus on a) setting new intentions (new moon) and b) releasing old limiting beliefs and emotions (full moon).

I design each ritual myself and I weave into every individual ritual what is happening with the greater astrological cycles (retrogrades, outer planets, transits, eclipses etc) as well as the common themes that I observe showing up in my daily sessions. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed with life and you are time poor, ritual is one of the easiest ways to ground yourself and connect inwards and come back to what really matters.


"Working with Paula and the Lunar Project has taught me to see life in the context of greater cycles and through that I’ve been able to drop out of the story and anxiety and back into a sense of peace and calm. I love this work and would recommend it to anyone - no questions!"

— Haley, Australia


Next Lunar Cycle Starts 29 Jan / 1 Feb

Join The Lunar Project today and leverage the energy of the moon cycles through ritual and meditation.

New Moon in Aquarius


Group contribution, friends, groups, goals, memberships, aspirations.

1st Quarter in Taurus


Personal resources, money, possessions, value, worth, skills, your senses.

Full Moon in Leo


Personal creativity, romance, fun, children, creativity, serivce.

Last Quarter in Scorpio


Shared resources, shadow self, sex, death, regeneration, inheritance.