Charlie Maginness, USA

“I really value Paula's ability to 'read the stars’ as well as her grounded intuitive capacity to guide.”

I’ve worked with Paula for about 9 years now. 

I first met Paula in person in Bali. I was 21 at the time and I remember sitting down with this woman and feeling at home. 

She took me on a journey into my life, past, present and future, and it’s for these reasons I’ve chosen to come back and receive Paula’s wisdom over the years. 

She has supported me through both the challenging times, and the expansive times. She’s given me re-assurance and also course corrections. 

I really value Paula's ability to 'read the stars’ as well as her grounded intuitive capacity to guide. 

Thank you Paula for all the work you have done, which enables you to show up for myself and others in a way of service, truth and love.

— Charlie Maginness, Founder of The Projector Movement, USA


Miriam Ter Borg, Byron Bay


Jess Dunn, Brisbane