This Lunar Month Is All About Doing The Inner Work
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Virgo happening August 27th. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon in Pisces Online Gathering and Ritual - Register here.
Los Angeles: Aug 27th @ 1:16AM
Edmonton: Aug 27th @ 2:16AM
New York: Aug 27th @ 4:16AM
London: Aug 27th @ 9:16AM
Berlin: Aug 27th @ 10:16AM
Delhi: Aug 27th @ 1:46PM
Bali: Aug 27th @ 4:16PM
Brisbane: Aug 27th @ 6:16PM
Sydney: Aug 27th @ 6:16PM
Los Angeles: Sep 9th @ 2:58PM
Edmonton: Sep 9th @ 3:58PM
New York: Sep 9th @ 5:58PM
London: Sep 9th @ 10:58PM
Berlin: Sep 9th @ 11:58PM
Delhi: Sep 10th @ 3:28AM
Bali: Sep 10th @ 5:58AM
Brisbane: Sep 10th @ 7:58AM
Sydney: Sep 10th @ 7:58AM
This is a month to turn inwards, bring harmony to chaos in our daily lives, get grounded and to stay focused on what really matters!
2022 is demanding transformation at every level. We are being challenged to get real and to truly reassess our values and what really matters. We can either go along kicking and screaming or we can take a big breath and be aware and journey with these times from an empowered state.
To navigate the times we are living through we need to be healthy on every level including: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, professional and relationally!
This lunar month begins with the energy that supports you to take action on healing at every level including forming new habits and routines that support us and turning our focus inwards. With Mars travelling through Gemini and square the new moon that begins this lunar month, we will be supported to focus our minds on what really matters. We are invited to get really clear on what we need to do to support our continual personal evolution. This is a time to really stay focused and strong during these demanding times of great change.
The month begins with a new moon in Virgo. Each year, around this time, we have the new moon in Virgo. Virgo has a strong focus on bringing things into order and into harmony making this a perfect time to get involved in activities that bring order to any chaos in your every day life that you know you have the power to shift right now!
One example of how to work with this energy is to spring clean and to clear out the clutter in your physical space. You could even start a new health regime or begin a new daily routine that brings you back to your inner wisdom and knowledge.
Virgo also rules our sacred work and there’s a sense of people really thinking more strongly about what their personal sacred work is in ways that feel more important this month. Theres a sense of really wanting to live more honestly and more consciously. On some level, we are each responding to the big shifts in the world and there is more of a sense of - this change is real and this is all really happening and you get to tune into who you want to be through these times.
All outer planets PLUS Mercury will be retrograde this lunar month! We each have a choice right now as to whether we are going to focus on what’s breaking down or to focus on our inner worlds. Doing inner work and taking care of our inner reality is the most important thing that any of us can do right now! This shift from being externally focused will only be enhanced as for the next few months, all of the outer planets, plus Mercury, will be retrograde (go deeper with this, see below).
We are being invited to internalise and integrate all of what has been changing at a personal level in each of our lives. There are still some huge cycles at play throughout the rest of this year, but this shift inwards is almost as though the universe is helping you to brace yourself, connect to the Earth, connect to your inner wisdom and to activate your personal inner resources to be able to navigate the big storms!
Now that Uranus is retrograde, we are building up to the big challenging dynamic between Saturn and Uranus. I have discussed this pattern so much but just wanted to remind us that this is happening and this aspect will be causing much intensity over the coming months.
But Uranus wins! In the end, Uranus is more powerful than Saturn in this current dynamic. But now that Uranus is retrograde, we may not see any innovations happening at the collective level for the next few months. However, once Uranus starts moving forwards late January 2023, we may see some big pattern shifts begin that will play out throughout 2023. Put it this way, life will be really changing next year and we are going to be forced to innovate one way or another!
By the time we get to the full moon in Pisces, we should all be ready for a big release and a big healing. There may be some traction gained on your new moon intentions and your new routines by this stage and you may find that whatever is blocking your health is ready to be removed and released at this divine full moon!
Major Transits for This Lunar Month
For just over 7 months - Sharpening the mind!
Mars typically spends approximately 6 to 8 weeks in each sign, but this is an extended cycle as Mars will turn retrograde in the sign of Gemini and will stay there for just over 7 months! Mars does not turn retrograde every year, in fact his retrograde pattern occurs approximately every 2 years. So you can see this is a big cycle and worth diving into the major themes.
Mars rules our life force. This is our energy to go out and assert our intentions onto the material realm. Mars also rules our ability to manifest and create! He is the sacred warrior energy within all of us that is ready to go and engage with life and all that life has to offer.
A healthy Mars in your chart will support you to take action, initiate, believe there is more and courageously take charge of your life! Whereas an unhealthy Mars will leave you lacking confidence and your energy turned inwards with the potential to become very self-destructive.
Mars journeying in Gemini for so long will activate and energise everything to do with Gemini.
Gemini rules connections. Gemini is the third movement in the zodiac and this is the point in our lives where we are beginning to explore what else there is to life. Gemini is asking who and what else is there and how does it all connect. Gemini is curious and wants to explore all that the world has to offer and to do that, Gemini knows that you need to connect with other people, data, ideas and then somehow connect all of these moving parts together.
This cycle may support you to get really clear in your mind and to bring a laser focus (Mars) on the way you connect and communicate (Gemini). There’s even a chance our ability to analyse is enhanced as we focus in on what really matters this month.
This cycle activated when Uranus turned retrograde August 25th - Turning inward!
Uranus turns retrograde just days before this new moon which means we have all of the outer planets retrograde. Uranus rules truth and awakening and once he turns retrograde we will potentially be pushed to awaken at a more internal level. The world is getting crazier out there so this pattern is helpful right now as it will support us to really go within and do the inner work to initiate a potential inner revolution!
I personally really love when planets are retrograde as I always get a sense of the pressure coming off and the feeling of having the opportunity to take a break from the busy patterns and review my life. Taking our attention away from out there is going to be important as the world continues to go through an undeniably huge transformation.
September 10th to October 2nd in Libra and Virgo - Reviewing relationships and what is sacred.
This is the third of four Mercury retrogrades this year! As you can see, this retrograde coincides with all of the outer planets retrograde - this means that 6 planets in total will be retrograde for 3 weeks!
Again, this is a time to turn inwards and focus on your inner world. Strengthen your daily habits and routines. Maybe even begin a daily meditation and a practice that helps you to continue focusing in on what matters (kick this off at the new moon).
Major Lunar Themes
August 27th everywhere in the world.
Mars is square this new moon which activates the huge Mars in Gemini cycle we will be journeying with for the rest of this year and into early next year.
When Mars is involved in a new moon in a challenging way, we may see big energetic activations. People may be more reactive around the time of this new moon so it is advised to practice patience as much as possible.
This new moon is in the sign of Virgo and Virgo rules devotion, dedication, ritual, discipline plus regular routines and habits that serve you.
This new moon is a powerful moment to work with beginning new regimes that will support you to get into new life patterns activating your highest potential for this life… no matter what is going on in the world!
Take some time out at this new moon to reflect on what you can change in your daily life right now that will support you to get focused?
What is the most important intention for this new moon?
What is one thing you can bring into harmony right now?
How will you feel when this is achieved?
What can you be devoted to that will anchor you through tough times?
Then sit down and write down what is coming up as you work with strong intentions that support you to continue evolving.
This new moon could be a moment of really feeling empowered and taking charge of things that you know you can right now!
Even just making one small change that you can commit to doing each day will have a huge ripple effect in your life. It doesn’t have to be big, just really intentional. As you journey with this new pattern, it builds over time and it literally will rewire your brain and you can experience what it feels like to shift your personal patterns, steer your life consciously and experience a sense of personal empowerment.
We each have the power to turn our lives in new directions and it always starts with small and consistent steps and changes. This is your month to do this and to not be distracted by the chaos and noise in the external world.
Seed in a new intention, start a new practice, set up a regular ritual and harness the energy of this new moon to empower your life through these crazy times.
September 9th/10th depending where you are in the world.
This full moon is conjunct Neptune which is the modern ruling planet of Pisces making this a super spiritual full moon.
This full moon is a magical moment to really dive deep with your personal spiritual practice, whatever that is. It may be as simple as walking in nature or being kind or maybe you have a strong spiritual practice that you have let go of recently as things have been so disrupted over the last few years. If this is you, then this lunar month is your time to recommit yourself to what you are devoted to.
Start at the new moon, recommit and devote yourself to something that matter and then journey with deep healing and release at this full moon!
For those of you who don’t have a spiritual practice then this is a month to consider why it is that you don’t? Again, it doesn’t have to be religious or new agey, it can just be whatever helps you connect with your inner wisdom and your inner guidance.
Wherever you’re at with your personal path, this full moon is going to be bringing in some much needed soothing and healing energy.
Big emotions may be strong at this full moon, let it go, write it down… let it release and heal!
When I tune into it, I get the feeling many people will be wanting to space out a bit and pretend that everything is ok… sometimes we just kind of need that. But for those of you who have a strong spiritual practice, then this is your month to journey with it more deeply than ever before so that you can continue to grow even when the world feels like it may be falling apart!
In Summary:
I know this year is tough. I had a feeling it would be but of course I was hoping it wouldn’t be THIS tough!!! But don’t give up as when I look at the upcoming patterns next year appears - at this stage - to have some openings to very new solutions that actually can take humanity to another level.
Our problems on Earth can be solved… really… it’s not impossible to get out of this current paradigm which I can see we are all co-creating. This year, we are all being asked to really understand that we are all creating this situation which means we can uncreate it! Don’t wait for others to fix it… this is your lunar month to “fix” what you can in your life right now! Take care of it!
Turn your attention inwards. Heal your personal patterns. Take care of your health at every level. Don’t buy into the fear trips. Keep unnecessary noise out and open your heart. Stay connected to your faith and to your courage.
Knowing who you are is the power this year and you can journey with the cycles to really let go of old outdated structures and beliefs and embrace innovative new ways of being a human on Earth!
Stay safe everyone and journey well wonderful people!
With love always,
Paula x
Full Moon in Pisces Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. This month the full moon is in Aquarius and the focus will be on practicing healing and forgiveness.
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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.