Align With Timelines That Are Evolving and Let Go of Fear!
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Leo happening 28th/29th June. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon in Aquarius Online Gathering and Ritual - Register here.
Los Angeles: Jul 28th @ 10:54PM
Edmonton: Jul 28th @ 11:54PM
New York: Jul 28th @ 1:54PM
London: Jul 28th @ 6:54PM
Berlin: Jul 28th @ 7:54PM
Delhi: Jul 28th @ 11:24PM
Bali: Jul 29th @ 1:54AM
Brisbane: Jul 29th @ 3:54AM
Sydney: Jul 29th @ 4:54AM
Los Angeles: Aug 11th @ 6:35PM
Edmonton: Aug 11th @ 7:35PM
New York: Aug 11th @ 9:35PM
London: Aug 12th @ 2:35AM
Berlin :Aug 12th @ 3:35AM
Delhi: Aug 12th @ 7:05AM
Bali: Aug 12th @ 9:35AM
Brisbane: Aug 12th @ 11:35AM
Sydney: Aug 12th @ 12:35AM
This month and year are all about Uranus - the planet of awakening, freedom and evolution!
How we experience life on Earth is going through a radical shift! Future timelines are being activated this month. You have a choice right now whether to align with the future, the past or the chaos of the present… it’s really up to you and yes, you do have a choice! You do not need to loop in old negative emotions, beliefs, stories and fear patterns. You really do not!
This year you can choose to tune into and align with timelines that aren’t focused on the chaos and the breaking down. If you are reading this, then you are already open to journeying with life in a way that is outside the traditional ways.
The headliner for this lunar month is the triple conjunction between the North Node, Uranus & Mars in Taurus which activates August 1st/2nd (and is active at the new moon in Leo). Even though this is the date for the exact conjunction, the effects of this cycle will play out over the next 2-3 years and will be focused on bringing in new ways of being with everything to do with Taurus.
Taurus is focused on wealth, our core values, our resources, the Earth, the Goddess as Gaia and our sense of security. With Uranus - the planet of awakening and evolution - journeying through Taurus since 2018 we have been experiencing a huge pattern interrupt in all of these areas of life!
Uranus is also focused on innovation. This triple conjunction is your opportunity revolutionise something in your life and to look at the new patterns wanting to emerge for your industry and for you personally and to align yourself with the new that wants to emerge. If you want to explore the patterns of this triple conjunction and you feel something new wanting to emerge in your life, you can purchase the recording of my North Node Conjunct Uranus & Mars Masterclass where I dive deep into these themes and offer you ways to harness the potency of this once in a lifetime pattern activation!
This triple conjunction is asking us to evolve… NOW, not later not some day but today!
Change is inevitable, chaos is natural and this is being amplified big time right now. But you can embrace this. You can awaken to the inner hero and work consciously with these times as you allow the intensity to boost your inner work. Every time you say no to fear, your wisdom and strength increases! Be an inspiration for those around you.
With Uranus so strong right now, we are not going to follow the old patterns of how we would have responded to these dynamics in the past. Don’t buy into the stories in the media of how things are going to go. Life will not be following old patterns and stories and the solutions to the current problems both collectively and individually are not going to be what they used to be. The breaking down of the old institutions of power are revealing to us that we are actually all co-creators of this reality.
In the coming years, we are going to be exposed to completely new ways of being on Earth and for this to come about, the old must unravel and break down. It’s uncomfortable but we all deep down know that it needs to change and that this needed to happen.
With the North Node of destiny travelling through Taurus for another year, this is the time to really get in touch with the true value of things. North Node in Taurus is propelling us towards new values and sustainability. We are being pushed to revision what we value such as working smarter not harder. Take stock of what you are valuing and then begin to steer what you want to focus on and value more into new positive directions.
Uranus also rules the higher mind and the energy of awakening. There is the possibility of great awakening. The focus on freedom, revolution, break throughs, and disruptions to the status quo will only be getting stronger this year. Everything is going to shift whether you like it or not and with Saturn activating the triple conjunction and edging towards the big square with Uranus in October… change is inevitable!
Uranus also rules ingenuity and individuality. This is a time to ask yourself, what is your unique way of being in the world? What is your unique offering and your unique hero’s journey? Then look at ways to bring this into reality. Technology offers a way for all of us to show up in ways that are unique to us… open your mind to this and then take action! Mars is activating the triple conjunction and giving the sense to just do it, just go for it!
Uranus dances with the NN until the end of the year…. the future must be the focus!!!!! And we are all going to understand more than ever that we are co-creating the future and not victims of fate and destiny! These cycles are pushing us to take responsibility and to understand how we are all a part of the greater story and how we all shape it by how we shape ourselves.
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
July 31st - Control - clamping down.
This aspect can bring a sense of restriction and heaviness. We may be feeling restricted and afraid to make changes. This is a great time to get real with life and to take stock. This aspect can help you to make plans as to how you can be honestly moving with the changing cycles as you set new intentions with the Leo new moon to move your personal story forwards in real ways and to create powerful new structures in your life.
July 31st - A magical boost for the new moon!
This magical aspect will hopefully support us all to keep the faith. Yes it’s a crazy time, yes everything is changing at a rapid rate, but don’t give up. If you keep your mind open you are more likely to access new and innovative ways to journey through these times.
Aug 1st/2nd - Future timelines activate!
You can harness this aspect by seeding intentions at the new moon in Leo that boost your life to continue moving forwards as you journey with the new patterns of energies pouring into the field.
August 12th - Bringing in some much needed love!!!!!!
When Venus the Goddess of love moves into Leo, she can shine bright as the Queen of Hearts! We will be needing this boost of love and abundance. Venus moving with the Sun through Leo may really help us to keep our hearts open even though there is so much fear and worry in the field.
August 20th - Information wars!
Mars typically spends approximately 7 weeks in a sign, but this time Mars will turning retrograde in Gemini and this means the God of War will be travelling through the sign of Gemini for the rest of this year, nearly 7 months! This is a huge activation and charging up of everything to do with Gemini. We will be wanting to communicate, to connect, to understand, to learn! There will potentially be a mega boost to social media platforms and lots of people having lots of ideas about lots of things! There may even be information wars going on! This will definitely be a time to be conscious about not getting caught up in information overload!
Major Lunar Themes
July 28th/29th depending on where you are in the world
Leo rules the heart and right now, we must all do our best to remember the power of the heart and just how powerful love is during these time of great change.
Leo understands that without love, we live in fear and we lose faith. When we lose faith, we lose power and we lose our ability to to align with ways of seeing the world and responding to the world that can help us to grow and evolve.
This new moon is a moment to connect with your personal hero’s journey as the triple conjunction between the North Node, Uranus and Mars is activating at this lunation.
As I already mentioned in this snapshot, this triple conjunction opens up future timelines and new ways of looking at everything! To journey with the potential of this once in a life time conjunction you can purchase the North Node Conjunct Uranus & Mars Masterclass where I go through the power of these times and ways you can consciously harness the potential available! This aspect will be in effect over the coming 2-3 years!
But for now, this new moon is a powerful moment to open your heart, activate your personal hero’s journey, rise above fear and stay open to new and innovative ways that you can continue growing, evolving and living through these times of great change!
Sit down with a pen and paper and write down your greatest most honest vision for yourself at this new moon!
Continue to shine bright and keep your heart wide open! Open to ways of staying strong and moving forwards even when the world is in fear.
This is your moment to engage with the will to overcome all fears and to love yourself and others no matter what!
August 11th/12th depending on where you are in the world
This full moon will be another tough full moon. The full moon last month in Capricorn was conjunct Pluto activating deep shadow work for many and now this full moon is conjunct Saturn the planet of Karma, tradition, structure and limitations… time to really break down old limiting fears and beliefs. Time to break free from old, toxic, stagnant and unhealthy conditioning and traditions!
Uranus will be square and therefore activating this full moon and we may feel a stronger need to break free from the heavy restrictive world patterns. Work with this energy but try not to dive too deep into frustration. Channel the energy towards change and innovation.
World issues are going to be amplified and people may be feeling more frustrated… take it easy and give others space.
Things are going to continue changing radically and we may even see the new paradigms starting to really fight the old as Pluto will be trine Mars and this may be activating the good fight!
Fortunately, Venus will have just moved into Leo and will support the evolutionary component to the patterns as well as helping us to keep the faith, the love and our personal sovereignty.
At this full moon, take some time to release and if you find you’re really feeling these themes coming up then please join me at The Full Moon in Aquarius Online Gathering & Ritual where I will take you on a deep dive into these themes and then through a powerful journey to work with unravelling the negative loops.
You may find that you are ready to break free from old stories at this full moon making this a powerful lunation for you to sit and write down what you are ready to break free from. Are you ready to break free from:
Toxic relationships.
Old fears.
Old stories.
Old stagnant beliefs.
Unhealthy co-dependencies with others that limit your ability to be self-sufficient.
Take this full moon as a moment to release yourself from the past, unravel the old so that you can fully embrace the new!
In Summary:
We are breaking up with the institutions of power. This is your month to know that you have the power within and to awaken your inner hero! Yes it is chaotic right now, but this is bringing change. Don’t give up. Embrace what is happening and fire up your inner heart, love and your own hero journey that you are on.
This is a big time. If you are feeling activated, just go and be with the Earth. Take time out. Come back to what matters! Change is real and constant and yet the thing that never changes is love and you can come back to this no matter what, whenever you want!
Stay safe everyone and journey well!
With love always,
Paula x
Full Moon in Aquarius Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. This month the full moon is in Aquarius and the focus will be on innovating and activating your future.
Connect with me on Instagram
I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.