Astrological New Year - A New Era Is Dawning

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Aries happening March 21st/22nd. This Astrology Snapshot contains:

  • Overview of the Major Transits for the lunar month

  • Full Moon & New Moon Themes


Los Angeles: Mar 21st @ 10:23am
Edmonton: Mar 21st @ 11:23am
New York: Mar 21st @ 1:23pm 
London: Mar 21st @ 5:23pm
Berlin: Mar 21st @ 6:23pm
Delhi: Mar 21st @ 10:53pm 
Bali: Mar 22nd @ 1:23am
Brisbane: Mar 22nd @ 3:23am
Sydney: Mar 22nd @ 4:23am


Los Angeles: Apr 5th @ 9:34pm 
Edmonton: Apr 5th @ 10:34pm 
New York: Apr 6th @ 12:34am
London: Apr 6th @ 4:34am
Berlin: Apr 6th @ 5:34am
Delhi: Apr 6th @ 10:04am
Bali: Apr 6th @ 12:34pm
Brisbane: Apr 6th @ 2:34pm
Sydney: Apr 6th @ 2:34pm

This is the first lunar month of what appears to be an incredible new astrological year full of huge changes, new beginnings and the potential for great evolution!

The Sun has moved into Aries - a new season begins on Earth. Aries rules over the original pulse of creation and with the Sun beginning a new Solar Year (Astrological New Year) at Equinox and the moon meeting the Sun for the new moon in Aries just hours after the exact time of the Equinox (equal day and night) there is the potential for a huge energy boost!

Multiple cycles are converging that symbolise new beginnings this lunar month plus, all planets are still direct and will be all lunar month. And if that wasn’t enough, Pluto is moving into Aquarius beginning a new era for humanity (see below). Everything is moving forwards at a rapid pace. There is a quickening of change, growth and evolution and you can really embrace and ride these waves of creative potential at a personal level this lunar month.

This is a month to reach deep into your soul and awaken your inner spirit, courage and confidence and boost your sense of what is possible and to stay the course as the new paradigms continue to emerge.

Increasing your capacity for change and evolution is key all year. If you can stay centred you will stay with your personal potency and if you can embrace what is emerging from your inner potency, you will be able to ride the waves of change with a sense of joy, skill and gratitude for the incredible times we are living through!

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

March 20th/21st - New seasons, new cycles.

The March Equinox (the balance between day and night) is the turning of the seasons and this Equinox is happening just hours before the New Moon in Aries. The lunar and solar cycles are in harmony for a moment and there will be a magic in the air.

A new season emerges, all planets are direct, the first new moon of the astrological year in Aries and the cycles of the sun and moon in harmony all adds up to a profoundly special time for ceremony and for new beginnings in your life.

This is always a special moment to honour that you live in a world that is held by cycles within cycles and that there is a rhythm to life that is in a greater harmony. This is easy to forget when you are caught up in the chaos and the noise of human existence but try to take a moment to bask in the magic of the cycles this lunar month.

March 23rd - Dawning of a new era.

This is taken from my 2023 Astrology Forecast which is free to download here if you haven’t already:

“Pluto in Aquarius will begin unearthing and revealing to us what needs to be detoxed, purified and resurrected so that we can rebuild a society that is fairer and taking into more consideration the collective - humanity as a whole. We may see more decentralisation of traditional power paradigms as those who have been oppressed may be gaining more power.

Remember, Pluto breaks down to rejuvenate and resurrect, this isn’t always comfortable as Pluto is often bringing what’s hidden in the shadows into the light. The shadows of Aquarius can be elitism, new hierarchical structures that separate us out from each other even more than we already are (under the name of equity and progress). This separation may even be exacerbated by technological innovation as we will begin to see advancements in technology like never before.

Of course there will be great advancements that benefit humanity and maybe even the planet. However, progress isn’t always a good thing and we may see a call to stop and get clear on how we want to advance. There will be a focus on ethics with regard to technological, scientific and medical advancements in the coming years.

Aquarius rules how we connect globally, and naturally the World Wide Web is pulled into this time of transformation. Over the next 2 decades, Pluto will be unearthing and then decomposing anything that needs to be transformed to do with the internet. The World Wide Web will go through a dramatic transformation and it may begin with a heavy process. For example, when Pluto first moved into Capricorn in 2008 the global financial crisis was in full swing.

In the coming years, there may be a wave of progressivism, technological advances, scientific breakthroughs, AI evolving, trips to outer space, social reform, redistribution of power, predictive technology going to greater levels and much, much more than we can even comprehend right now.

A new version of the human race will be emerging and Pluto’s journey into Aquarius will activate and accelerate this process.

Pluto rules power and wisdom. Aquarius is associated with the people, humanity and the global consciousness. Pluto gives power and wisdom to whatever it touches and this cycle will focus on more power moving towards the people! The human race will be maturing and individuals will be more aware than ever before of what they want and what matters.

The people will want to be free and they will want to be heard. The power may start shifting towards minority groups and progressive politics aimed at equity and more fairer distribution of resources. There will be a shift towards collaboration as opposed to top down vertical hierarchies. Politics will be going through a revolution and humanity will feel more like a global community. Life on Earth will not be the same.”

March 30th (active a few days either side) - New waves of harmony.

Venus rules over what is beautiful and harmonious for the human experience and it is fair to say that life on earth has not felt this way for many of us for a while now and at the very least, what is good about being a human has been heavily challenged.

But when Venus is in a powerful dynamic with Uranus - the planet of disrupting the status quo with the intention of liberation - there is the potential for some positive healing around the human experience. With this conjunction occurring in Taurus, there is also a potential for new and innovative ways of being with money, wealth, resources and even love that brings more harmony and beauty back into the world.

April 11th (active a few days either side) - Larger than life.

There are a few different ways for the Sun-Jupiter conjunction to be viewed. These are the two biggest objects in our solar system and when they come together there can be a sense of everything expanding and things being larger than life itself - including our negativities!

Another angle is that it is believed that when Jupiter is within 10 degrees of the Sun the planet is considered to be combust and swallowed by the rays of the Sun and therefore the planet lost power. Jupiter rules over optimism, faith, gurus, higher learning, law and anything that expands your mind and life. When Jupiter looses power or is lost in the light of the Sun, the more positive qualities can be harder to access.

On a positive side, these days can bring a sense of joy, expansion, optimism. On the negative, there can be an increased sense of greed, entitlement and with this conjunction occurring in Aries, there can be the potential for extremes in the area of war, religion, and leadership in these areas.

At the individual level, these can be lovely days to just enjoy life, to open your heart and your mind and to just enjoy the life giving energy of the Sun.

Major Lunar Themes


March 21st/22nd depending where you are in the world.

The lunar and solar cycles are in harmony at this new moon as this new moon occurs just hours after the March Equinox making this new moon the first lunation of the astrological new year!

This really is a powerful new moon to work with in ceremony, as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron and Jupiter are all bunched together in Aries at time of this dynamic lunation. All of this only increases the energy of Aries. This lunation offers you an invitation to boost and give life to something really dear to you and important in your life.

Aries represents the original pulse of life and creation. You can really tap into the energy and into the momentum of all planets moving direct and multiple cycles culminating around the time of this new moon and boost something special in you life!

To add even more potency to this lunation, Pluto, the planet of power and transformation will move into Aquarius just hours after the exact time of the new moon which means that this is feeding power into the energy of this new moon. Feel into the magnitude of this cycle bringing in a totally new era and reflect on what that could mean for you personally.

Get into ritual space and work with this energy and ride the initiating, life creating impulse at this new moon to seed in something new and dear to your souls evolution in this life time!

What you work with will boost your life big time at this lunation and this boost may heal some old wounding as Chiron is still in a conjunction with Jupiter at this lunation. The master healer and Guru are together supporting you to heal the core wounds going all the way back to the beginning, freeing up your life force so you can create and evolve!

What are you ready to bring forth in your life? What’s ready to birth? This is the new moon to do it! To vision it. To declare it. To make a vow. To heal an old wound that has held you back and made you feel you didn’t matter.

This is such a special time to boldly open your heart and mind to something greater for you life! Harness the power of this lunation with all of your heart.


April 5th/6th depending where you are in the world.

This full moon is in an interesting position as the moon is sitting on her own on the opposite part of the sky from all of the planets and the Sun.

This may be a time to stop and sit with yourself away from the noise and journey deep into your inner worlds. Drop into sacred potent ceremony and work with healing your relationship with yourself.

We all know by now that the first relationship to work on is the one with ourselves and yes we’ve all heard it before and we all think we get it, but, do you really know it, do you really feel a deep love and reverence for yourself?

Sit with this full moon and take stock of how much do you actually love you?

  • Do you forgive yourself?

  • Do you trust yourself?

  • Do you see your value?

  • Do you see your own humanity?

  • Do you have compassion for you?

Can you love yourself… and I mean the kind of love not based on how you look, how much you have and all of that nonsense. I mean the kind of love that is just so pure and potent that all you see is that you are just a beautiful human kicking about on this great beautiful planet like the rest of us and just truly doing the best you can!

At the new moon in Aries, we are invited to blast some big intentions into the field and then this full moon is when we sit with ourselves and assess how much of our personal relationship with our inner worlds is either supporting or blocking us.

Sit and write down all that is blocking you from true self-love at this full moon and burn it with the knowing that whatever is coming through is ready to leave your life. The cycles are shifting and so are we!

Alternatively, just simply sit under the light of the divine moon and write down whatever needs to be released, allow your heart to pour out what you’re just done with.

And if you don’t want to do this, then just simply look at the moon for a minute and give her your pain, regrets, fears and all of the things that stop you from loving yourself. Luna can handle it, give it to her to be healed and purified. She loves to take and heal all of your emotions, this is her job.

In Summary:

NEXT MONTH IS ECLIPSE SEASON!!! This means that everything you work on this lunar month will be amplified and boosted next month so be sure to take note of what is coming up and what is wanting to begin at this time.

There will be waves upon waves of accelerated change and transformation in the coming years and Pluto moving into Aquarius this month will activate this process. Life will be moving and evolving fast, uncertainty is the new reality but if you can courageously accept this and release the old ways that no longer work, then the new cycles can propel you forwards in ways you could never have imagined!

Pluto in Aquarius wants us to evolve into new ways for humanity… open your mind, embrace the new and you may even enjoy the great changes that are occurring!

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


Eclipse Season & The Changing Of The Guard


First New Moon of the Year + Lunar New Year - Visioning in 2023!