We’ve Already Entered a New Era. Are You Ready?

Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Taurus happening May 19th/20th. This contains:

  • Overview of the Major Astrological Transits for the lunar month

  • New Moon & Full Moon Themes

  • Join my Patreon Community (from only $8 AUD) for a deeper exploration of these themes, horoscopes, bespoke rituals based on the more esoteric meaning of each lunation and so much more!


Los Angeles: May 19th @ 8:53am
Edmonton: May 19th @ 9:53am
New York: May 19th @ 11:53am 
London: May 19th @ 4:53pm
Berlin: May 19th @ 5:53pm
Delhi: May 19th @ 9:23pm 
Bali: May 19th @ 11:53pm
Brisbane: May 20th @ 1:53am
Sydney: May 20th @ 1:53am


Los Angeles: Jun 3rd @ 8:41pm 
Edmonton: Jun 3rd @ 9:41pm 
New York: Jun 3rd @ 11:41pm
London: Jun 4th @ 4:41am
Berlin: Jun 4th @ 5:41am
Delhi: Jun 4th @ 9:11am
Bali: Jun 4th @ 11:41am
Brisbane: Jun 4th @ 1:41pm
Sydney: Jun 4th @ 1:41pm

Are you prepared for a new era? How are you adjusting? This month is a moment to get ready.

I think many of us are still in some kind of recovery mode after another powerful eclipse season. Wow… what a full on time! I set my alarm and woke up at 3:30am and drove out to a place where I perform ceremony and ritual. I did some big burning and letting go and it was amazing! This was the last south node lunar eclipse in Scorpio for another 19 years and I noticed many of us had heavy stuff come up to be released that we’ve been working on for the last 18 months and for some, since the pandemic began.

I honestly get the sense that we are leaving an old world behind more and more and this lunar month, with Pluto moving back into Capricorn on June 12th (scroll down to go deeper) we will still be focusing on what needs purification as we need to honour what life was and who we were before 2020.

LEAVE THE PAST BEHIND: what happened before 2020 stays there. We can’t take the old world with us and the more you allow the purification of the old ways the easier this time will be for you. The advancements of technology are so powerful that human history will not exist in the same way as we move forwards into the future. 2020 will be a year we look back as the moment when it all changed.

Keep allowing the old stories, pains, patterns and traumas to continue melting away and dissolving. Trust in the process and open your self to the idea that maybe we are preparing ourselves for a new world!

Astrologically, there is a strong focus on Taurus this lunar month as we have Jupiter, the North Node, Mercury, Uranus and a New Moon all happening in this sign (scroll down for a deeper dive into what this means). You may want to harness this focus and direct attention and energy in your personal life towards areas associated with the themes of Taurus such as:

  • Resources - including money, material possessions and all of the natural resources coming from Earth.

  • Values - what you value and why you value it. Also, your personal values that sustain you and keep you on track.

  • Durability and sustainability - are you resilient? Do you feel prepared to endure more changes?

You can channel your energy towards enhancing these themes in your life at the new moon in Taurus that begins this lunar month. Then watch the seeds growing in all of this energy as we move towards a wonderful full moon!

Then at the full moon in Sagittarius, have some fun! Open your heart, mind and soul to what else is possible. This human experience is a quest! Embrace the potential adventure this life can be. Sure it’s hard and things are changing so fast that it can be scary but I will keep reminding you to increase your capacity for change! If you can master change you may find at a point you’re riding a wave of great change, growth and evolution in your personal life that takes your experience of being in this body and on this planet at this time to the next level!

Major Transits for the Lunar Month

May 21st (active a few days either side) - Huge adjustments necessary.

There is a pattern playing out in the sky this lunar month that is potentially signifying some intense karmic shifts at the collective level. Pluto will be opposite Mars and square the Nodes of destiny with the North Node (our collective destiny) being conjunct Jupiter in Taurus! Things that are happening now are linked to humanity being forced to review our relationship to Earth’s resources, war and everything to do with how we live and operate in the material realm.

When I was researching the Astrology Forecast for this year I was concerned about this moment and didn’t want to write about it because I just couldn’t see anything good about it. Now we are here and it seems that nothing is happening but everything is happening and everything is changing at an alarming rate!

What is clear though is that there is a massive adjustment going on. It seems we are all being pushed and squeezed and forced into a new way of being. With the technological advancements happening alarmingly fast, there is a sense of fear in the air and this grand square aligns with a time of us all needing to take a big breath, and to stop and seriously think about what is happening here!

Grand squares are a pattern of dynamic tension. This tension is what can bring about change and transformation and we still have time to stop and consider where this is all going and how we can try to control the narrative. With the strong focus on Taurus this month, maybe we can slow it all down a bit and come back to what is truly valuable and sustainable.

At the time of this Grand Square, Mercury is moving forwards and into a conjunction with Uranus. This can bring about innovative and exciting new ways of connecting, communicating and doing business. This is a very interesting lunar month that may end up being a time we look back to and identify as a moment when we changed the way we connect and communicate irrevocably!

Fortunately, Venus comes in and shifts the energy of this square when she enters Leo just after the full moon. This gives me hope that the Goddess (the goodness) of healing human love energy comes in and brings some soothing balm to help us to calm down and come back to love so we can maybe bring in something even better for humanity!

June 1st (active a week or so either side) - Inflation and expansion!

Jupiter has just moved into Taurus where it will remain until May 2024 expanding and inflating everything to do with Taurus. Jupiter is seen as a generally positive influence in astrology. At a personal level, Jupiter through Taurus will develop something over the next 12 months. Something new will be growing in your life and you may get a strong indication of what that is around the time of the new moon in Taurus this month which is flavoured by Jupiter and the North Node activating a new cycle of growth and expansion in your life!

Jupiter is focused on expansion and when in Taurus this will have a strong focus on inflation and expansion with regard to resources, especially money and wealth.

Exactly how this will play out over the next year will be interesting to observe. It really could go so many ways including the obvious which is simply just - inflation.

However, there are other transits at play such as Pluto going back into Capricorn where we may see the energies shifting in a big way towards bringing out the shadows of greed and corruption of finances in the big institutions of power such as corporations, banks and governments. Jupiter is associated with the law and justice and this could be a time of bringing things back into order!

Jupiter will be in a challenging square with Pluto at this time and this could see some huge disruption to the old agendas as Jupiter is teaming up with the North Node to potentially bring a positive boost to our collective destiny regarding finances, wealth, resources etc.!

June 12th - Going back over old agendas.

As I’m writing this, Pluto is in Aquarius and we can see great shifts occurring in the realms of technology, politics and financial institutions. This is only the beginning. However, Pluto is going to be going over old territory during this retrograde phase as the planet of transformation will go back into Capricorn by June 12 and will not re-enter Aquarius again until January next year.

We are going to watch the wrecking ball of Pluto swing back into Capricorn. Whatever is needing to be broken down and renewed from the old Capricornian power structures will be addressed again to make sure the old worlds and ways are permanently done!

This has the potential to be super uncomfortable for all of us on varying levels as this is the process of humanity needing to totally reset in order for a new era to emerge! No one really knows how it will all play out but it appears that there will be unprecedented changes. If you are wanting to stay the same and conserve old ways, then this will be an incredibly uncomfortable process for you.

As I keep saying, increasing your capacity for change and evolution is a strong game plan for this year and in the coming years. The old negative beliefs, traditions and outdated social myths will continue being challenged this year and into next year. I hope that knowing this information helps you to feel prepared and open to working with these cycles in ways that supports you to continue evolving, expanding and growing as a human being.

Major Lunar Themes


May 19th/20th depending where you are in the world.

Ok, this new moon is incredibly positive and powerful for initiating something new in your life. However, it is happening within some intense patterns in the sky. I know, I know, we just need a break from it all! I want this too, but it really seems that life wants us to evolve and move into something very new and we need to prepare and get ready for this and this is exactly what this new moon is about - getting real and preparing for the future.

This new moon is in Taurus. Taurus rules over material security. This includes money, food, home, safety in our physical realities and our bodies. We are looking at new ways of being with resources, wealth, security, luxury and everything associated with finances… and this is where the big squeeze comes in astrologically!

This new moon is asking you to review your relationship to living with excess and greed and to reassess your stories with this. Be honest! This is an important time to get real about what you actually need to live well. Are you living in ways where you feel you aren’t succeeding if you don’t have excess? Let this go.

Ask yourself: What do you need to endure the chaos? What can you achieve with what you already have? Get super clear! Cut through the illusions of what you actually need to be a happy human.

I’m not saying that living with nothing is the answer, but maybe there is an adjustment that can happen in your life? Maybe you are in a more solid position than you thought? I know this problem is bigger than how you spend money but this is a time to come back to making the most of what you already have and working with it.

If you are abundant, maybe share a bit more? If you aren’t then this is a time to work with adjusting your focus on what it is that you can do to increase your abundance.

Focus on what it is that is unique about you. This is where your true value lies. Get clear about what this is and then meditate on ways you can offer this more to the world.

This new moon is your moment to just go for something that you know will lead you towards financial stability over time. This is a moment to cut through your fears and resistance and to awaken something that is unique and inspiring! Just go for it!

You gotta think outside the square this new moon. Let your intuition and genius mind awaken. Sit with oracle cards. Do something out of your normal routine to allow an inspired new view!

The world is changing, the patterns are shifting and you won’t succeed by doing the same old things you have been doing! Sit with this new moon and allow a new story to emerge in your conscious mind about what the world changing means for you. Open to a new and exciting story and observe how it ripens as we move to the full moon in Sagittarius where we will activate hope and the faith that maybe all of the changes can work out for you!

If you want to engage with something different then join me over in my Patreon Community where I offer Patron only content including horoscopes for each new and full moon, rituals and so much more!


June 3rd/4th depending where you are in the world.

The ruler of this full moon is Jupiter and at the time of this lunation, Jupiter is conjunct the North Node and is activating our collective destiny and forcing us to think about where we are actually going and what this all means!

Sagittarius rules over philosophy, meaning and how we think about life. This is a time for the human race to stop and truly consider the implications of what is happening with resources and technology and how this impacts the environment for our human existence.

Sagittarius rules over our desire to go on a quest for meaning and the adventure of trying to understand what this human journey is all about. To be able to explore this, you need to be free to reflect and to have space to think and philosophise. Go on a mini pilgrimage, an adventure this full moon.

This full moon may be a culmination of some old beliefs and stories that you are ready to release. Work with this full moon to to remove any obstacles to your personal growth on every level including spiritually, professionally and materially.

Take a moment to clear away whatever is blocking your new moon intentions from taking root and growing in your life. Clear the way for more sustainable abundance.

Allow yourself to explore different perspectives, challenge your existing beliefs, and discover the magic that lies beyond your comfort zone. By expanding your mind and embracing the extraordinary, you create the space for something truly remarkable to unfold under this Sagittarius full moon.

In Summary:

This lunar month is a wonderful moment to ask yourself what you need to sustain and endure through all of the chaos. Set a powerful intention at the new moon and then let go of obstacles at the full moon. Every lunation is an invitation to dive in and work with your inner reality.

The more you turn your attention inwards, the more you will be able to stay centred, strong, clear and open hearted through these turbulent times! It’s crazy and it’s changing fast and the full moon in Sagittarius is a moment to sit with the bigger meaning in it all. If you’re spiritual or religious, this will be powerful moment to go into deep spiritual practice and open your mind to the greater view of all that is happening right now.

Prepare yourself to better navigate through challenging times during the new moon, finding what will sustain you. Then, as the full moon emerges, open your mind to the magic that lies beyond your comfort zone as you expand out into exciting new possibilities!

With love always,

Paula x

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I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.


Break the Spell & Control Your Own Narrative This Lunar Month


Eclipse Season & The Changing Of The Guard