Are You Ready To Release Stuck Patterns & Negative Conditioning?
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Gemini happening May 30th everywhere. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon in Sagittarius Online Gathering and Ritual - Register here.
Los Angeles: May 30th @ 4:30am
Edmonton: May 30th @ 5:30am
New York: May 30th @ 7:30am
London: May 30th @ 12:30pm
Berlin: May 30th @ 1:30pm
Delhi: May 30th @ 5:00pm
Bali: May 30th @ 7:30pm
Brisbane: May 30th @ 9:30pm
Los Angeles: Jun 14th @ 4:51am
Edmonton: Jun 14th @ 5:51am
New York: Jun 14th @ 7:51am
London: Jun 14th @ 12:51pm
Berlin: Jun 14th @ 1:51pm
Delhi: Jun 14th @ 3:21pm
Bali: Jun 14th @ 7:51pm
Brisbane: Jun 14th @ 9:51pm
We are still in the aftermath of the recent eclipses which focused on disrupting unhealthy power dynamics both within ourselves individually and within the collective story.
What was stirred up will ripple into our lives and be in process over the next 5 to 6 months so if you found big shifts occurring for yourself over the last 6 - 7 weeks, hang in there and work with the energy to bring about a powerful change that is designed to put your life on a more positive path… this is an upgrade!
These are times of great change. We are between worlds. The old guard is breaking down and the new guard has not yet entered the arena. This change is so big that it won’t all happen at once… but, I think it’s pretty safe to say that - change really is happening. With Mercury retrograde at the beginning of this lunar month and at the new moon (of which it is the ruling and therefore most influential planet), the feeling of being in-between worlds may be amplified.
Astrologically, and on a more subtle level, we are going to journey with the results of the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio that unearthed so much for many of us, for the rest of 2022. But the most intense part of this cycle will complete at the coming full moon which will act as the bookend, but until then, we get to work consciously with what has risen up to the surface!
Plus, we also have another huge old versus new clash coming up in October with the final Uranus-Saturn square which began at the beginning of 2021! This pattern is all about shifting the collective story and it is big so hang in there!
With all of the massive disruptions still reverberating through our lives, this month is not as intense astrologically but has the potential to feel destabilising as we are now journeying with Gemini, the sign of going beyond duality, beyond right and wrong and beyond the rules.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury - the sacred messenger of the Gods - and Mercury is still retrograde as we begin this month inviting us to see everything from a different angle, to shift our view and to practice being with what is - and to develop our mindfulness which is simply the practice of allowing all that is there to be there without dissociating or bypassing.
With the this lunar month activating the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of truth, data, knowledge and karmic patterns, we can feel like we are in the in-between neither this nor that worlds and the truth is… we are!
This lunar month may leave you feeling a bit confused, uncertain and even unsure of what you believe in, but you can use this time to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a skill that is important to develop during these times of intensified transition so that you don’t get dragged around unconsciously by the negative energies playing out.
As the energy patterns aren’t as heavy, there is an opportunity to practice being with what is and allowing whatever wants to come up to be there. This is a moment to become super aware of what your mind is really believing and to be honest with yourself about what truths you think are really true and what stories, habits, conditioned beliefs are just so familiar that you think they are actually you, but in reality, they are just inherited stories. This month, you can look these habits and patterns (I call these karmic loops) straight in the eye!
As you develop mindfulness, and yes it does require practice, you become aware of the fears, stories, projections and lies you are telling yourself and you become the awareness that these patterns arise within and over time these negative will dissolve! As the negative stories dissolve, you become more and more free allowing more peace and happiness to enter into your life!
The new moon in Gemini may support you to connect the dots and see what’s going on and then when we get to the full moon, you will have a powerful opportunity to release the old patterns and conditioned beliefs!
The full moon in Sagittarius offers up a moment to keep opening your mind to new paradigms and to new visions as you can work with releasing and letting go of old truths and views that no longer serve you as you align with the new patterns and cycles we are collectively moving into.
This lunar month offers up an opportunity for you to look at what beliefs, thoughts and ideas really hold you back and when Saturn turns retrograde (see below) you are supported in unwinding, unravelling and breaking down old patterns, structures and conditioning that just no longer make sense to you! This is happening collectively in a big way but also you can harness the energy and embrace this breaking down internally and shift yourself into amazing new patterns!
Embrace Saturn this month to ground yourself as you harness the energies and practice mindful awareness to see what is holding you back, to see what does not any longer resonate as true and to release all that is in the way of you aligning with the evolutionary patterns that are opening up for humanity at this time!
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
Hallelujah - bring this on!
This will be a relief for many of us. Mercury retrograde in Gemini can really take us out of our regular patterns and discombobulate our lives. This can be super frustrating but can also interrupt any unhealthy patterns and habits.
Time to break down old conditioning.
This is a potent retrograde cycle for Saturn. When Saturn - the Lord of Karma and structure - turns retrograde, there is the opportunity for you to unravel negative karma and negative conditioning. This is a powerful transit at this time for humanity and you can embrace this energy at the individual level once we arrive at the full moon to really let go of old stories that you know are holding you back!
(iii) VENUS CONJUNCT URANUS & NORTH NODE - June 10th - 13th
Innovating love, abundance, joy, wealth and relationships!
Venus has been through such a hard journey over the last 6 months and now she is really gaining power and steam. She is the morning star and I highly recommend getting up just before dawn to see her shining so beautiful and bright!
Firstly, Venus will conjunct Uranus this month. When Venus is conjunct Uranus (which only happens once every 18 months, everything to do with relationships, resources and joy gets to go through an innovation and an upgrade!
Next, Venus will conjunct the North Node on June 16th in her own sign of Taurus! She loves being in Taurus and when she goes into a conjunction with the North Node she is wanting to heal and activate with her beauty everything to do with Taurus which rules our resources, our values and our beautiful planet Earth! This will also be about the future and what is required to heal and move forwards! If your relationships have been struggling then this lunar month may just be a time where you can make new plans to move forwards together!
Here’s hoping that these two dynamics bring some great innovation and healing with regard to our relationships, to our beautiful planet and to our resources!
The longest nights / days of the year!
Happy Solstice! Sun moving into Cancer marks the seasons shifting into deep Winter in the Southern Hemisphere and the height of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
To celebrate Solstice:
For the Southern Hemisphere: Solstice marks the longest nights of the year for us. This is when our ancestors would keep the light burning through the night so that we don’t lose faith and so that we don’t forget that the Sun will return. Our ancestors would light candles / lanterns / fires that would burn through the night and this is a ritual that many still practice to this day.
For the Northern Hemisphere: Solstice marks the longest days of the year. You are now deep into Summer and many of our ancestors would celebrate this by sharing food and the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables with each other! This is a time of joy, dance, celebration and connection with the community, with nature and with life!
Major Lunar Themes
May 30th everywhere
This new moon in Gemini is happening in the wake of the eclipses which stirred up some deep shadow energy that many of us are still working through.
This new moon is lighter, less heavy and more about stepping back from the big energies as opposed to diving in deep. In one way, you could say this lunation is lacking depth, but this may be just what we need to support us in observing what has been stirred up.
This new moon is not aspecting anything major and there are no outer planets involved for the first time in a while… hallelujah… which also makes for energetic space and a much lighter energy.
The most significant aspect happening at this new moon is the Jupiter-Mars conjunction which can give us a sense of believing that there can be a better future. This can be harnessed for seeding in new intentions.
However, this new moon may also be a bit mixed up as Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, is still in a super strange retrograde cycle at this time but the power of this is that we get to look at it all from a different perspective and maybe see things we couldn’t see before.
This retrograde pattern can also support us to be able to recognise old patterns, habits and conditioning that we are just done with and we can take these negative dynamics to release and heal at the full moon!
Even though this lunation is not as potent as the eclipses were it is still a good opportunity to check in with what has evolved and changed since the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus 4 weeks ago. What has shifted in your life since then?
If you work in ritual with the lunar phases, then this new moon is a great moment to check in with ongoing intentions and to seed in new intentions that support what is already in motion in your life.
Also, if you are recognising old negative patterns, then this new moon is your time to seed in new habits and new intentions as a way to move forwards with new ways of being that empower your life!
And, it may just be a moment to take a break from it all and have some fun! Gemini wants to go beyond duality, beyond the rules and shift out of either/or dynamics and see the cosmic joke in it all!
Maybe take a moment to just be amazed and in awe of how incredible the times we are living through really are!
Jun 14th everywhere
The main dynamic of this full moon is to let go of old patterns and conditioned beliefs and stories that you may have inherited and with Saturn - the Lord of Karma and conditioning - retrograde and in positive aspect to this lunation, this really is a potent time to break down any conditioning that no longer serves you.
By the time we arrive at this full moon, you may have noticed some of your old core beliefs and conditioning being challenged! Don’t resist this! Allow what is there to be come up so that you can work with the energy of this lunation to let go and break down any conditioning that no longer serves you!
This full moon closes out the intense part of the eclipse cycle but the effects of the eclipses will ripple into the next 6 months until we get to the next round of eclipses at the end of the year. But you can still work with releasing what the eclipses stirred up for you at this full moon to make sure it is done!
Jupiter the ruler of this lunation is in Aries and Jupiter loves being in Aries! This can spark new truths, new faith and new beliefs in our lives! As you release old patterns, Jupiter starting a new 12 year cycle can really support you to initiate exciting new patterns and habits for yourself. New karmic stories can begin at this time both collectively and individually!
Mars will be exactly conjunct Chiron in Aries. Deep healing is possible, deep awareness of the original wounds (Chiron) that hold us back. Mars wants to seperate… take this energy to be done with the old and to embrace the new!
If you’ve had deep shadow rising then this is your moment to really let go! Create a personal ritual or join us at the Full Moon in Sagittarius Online Gathering & Ritual.
Think of the full moon each month as your time to reset and clear out negative patterns, emotions, thoughts and fears. Give it to the moon!
In Summary:
If you have been feeling more out of sorts than usual, you are not alone. We are still in a bigger process of change at the collective level and it seems we are not able to skip any steps and we are also not going to be allowed to go backwards in any way!
If you are open to ritual and you feel you would like some extra support then please join us at the Full Moon in Sagittarius Online Gathering & Ritual where I speak more deeply to the astrological cycles and the energies surrounding the full moon. You don’t need to understand astrology to join us. I then take us through a guided meditation where we will work with unravelling old conditioned beliefs, patterns and karmic loops clearing our lives and our minds to make way for our truth, our purpose and greatest potential in this life!
Stay safe everyone and journey well!
With love always,
Paula x
Full Moon in Sagittarius Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. This month the full moon is in Sagittarius and the focus will be on healing and letting go.
Connect with me on Instagram
I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.