Coming Back to What Nurtures and Releasing Old Paradigms
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Cancer happening 28th/29th June. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon in Capricorn Online Gathering and Ritual - Register here.
Los Angeles: Jun 28th @ 7:52pm
Edmonton: Jun 28th @ 8:52pm
New York: Jun 28th @ 10:52pm
London: June 28th @ 3:52am
Berlin: Jun 29th @ 4:52am
Delhi: Jun 29th @ 8:22am
Bali: Jun 29th @ 10:52am
Brisbane: Jun 29th @ 12:52pm
Los Angeles: Jul 13th @ 11:37pm
Edmonton: Jul 14th @ 12:37am
New York: Jul 14th @ 2:37am
London: Jul 14th @ 7:37am
Berlin: Jul 14th @ 8:37am
Delhi: Jul 14th @ 12:07am
Bali: Jul 14th @ 2:37am
Brisbane: Jul 14th @ 4:37am
This is a potent lunar month where big cycles of great change are amplified. Be mindful. Stay as balanced as you can as you work with releasing old limiting emotions.
I know I share about the upcoming Uranus-Saturn square in October pretty much every snapshot, but it’s so important as it is providing the context of the cycles that we are journeying with currently. The Uranus-Saturn challenging square activates the themes of the push pull between the old guard (Saturn) and the new paradigms wanting to emerge (Uranus).
Both Saturn and Uranus represent structures but they do so in different ways. Saturn represents top down hierarchical structures whereas Aquarius is more about horizontal structures that require the decentralisation of power to work with the collective intelligence and global connections represented in structures such as the world wide web and right now, these two differing approaches are fighting for superiority in the world.
These two paradigms are challenging each other more intensely at the moment and have been since the first square between Saturn and Uranus which occurred in January 2021. We are now in the build up to their 4th and final square in this current cycle which will happen in October this year and we can see the evidence of this greater cycle starting to ramp up in world events!
To provide further context of the current cycles it feels important to reflect on other greater cycles that influence the current dynamics. In March of 2020 a huge astrological pattern kicked off when Saturn, Mars, Pluto and Jupiter all joined in the later degrees Capricorn. We all know what happened then. The main themes of this pattern were focused on the disruption to power structures and the breaking down of systems that are no longer working.
The potential of this astrological event has a focus on any institutions of power, whether they be good or for bad, going through a shake up with the ultimate goal of redefining how we implement these structures. A big shift has been in how we all relate to these structures and what they mean to us.
This lunar month reactivates and amplifies these cycles as we have another super moon (close to the Earth) full moon and it is in the later degrees of Capricorn (where all of the big patterns have been) and conjunct Pluto the planet of intensified transformation. This full moon amplifies and activates the shadow of this whole dynamic potentially bringing even more of what needs to break down into the light!
Capricorn is associated with patriarchal hierarchical structures and these themes are being amplified this lunar month. The astrology over the last few years, which really kicked off when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 which coincided with the GFC, is revealing the shadow of these old institutions of power and how corrupt they can be. The GFC was one of the first big indicators that the old institutions of power aren’t as stable, solid and reliable as we’ve been led to believe. The astrology of the moment is speaking to these old ways of organising life on Earth needing to be regenerated.
Sometimes for change to happen, we need the shadow to be fully revealed. My prayer is that as we move closer to the Uranus-Saturn challenging square this year, that the challenge to outdated traditions, beliefs and paradigms that what we will experience more intensely over the coming months, is designed to flush out the shadow so that we can see it for what it truly is and then collectively journey forwards with a new vision for humanity.
Uranus will be in Taurus until April 2026 bringing about revolution! Uranus wants to interrupt old stuck patterns and support the process of innovation. Uranus symbolises the iterations that bring about evolution! Taurus rules our resources and what we value. By the time Uranus has finished moving through Taurus and squaring Saturn, we may begin to feel like a different humanity with evolving values and an evolving relationship to our earthly resources such as our food.
The astrology for 2025 to 2026 looks so different! Things are moving in new and incredible ways and if we make it to these years, the astrology points to some very different dynamics for the human race that seem to be focused on new ways of organising society and how we relate to each other, our resources and the universe. It’s hard to know exactly what this will mean and whether or not this is positive or negative is yet to be determined but the patterns with the outer planets are certainly very very different and the planetary movements are big!
Parallel systems and structures are already forming. There are already many new structures forming. More and more people are letting go of fighting the old and are looking towards building the new systems and paradigms. This last square between Uranus and Saturn will potentially amplify the feeling to fight the opposition, however, there really will be more and more of an invitation to feed the light so to speak and to focus on what wants to be created at this time!
Nothing lasts forever, everything changes and the way we organise society is going to continue to be challenged over the coming years and the patterns of this lunar month will potentially amplify all of these intense themes. However, you can embrace the changes. If you embrace the shifts, you may just find yourself connecting with something new and amazing for your life that you never believed was possible and maybe it wasn’t in the old paradigms… but now it can be!
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
Active all month - Things must change no matter what!
Saturn is the planet of structure. Saturn wishes to maintain the status quo and when Saturn is square the North and South Nodes of destiny, we can’t skip any steps! As you can see from the above sharing in this snapshot, the cycles we are living through are focused on a paradigm shift and this aspect is making sure we don’t skip over or bypass anything!
You can work with this at a personal level by embracing these themes in your own life. Embrace the key themes of Saturn square the Nodes as you:
Where has your life already restructured and shifted over the last few years? Open up for more and embrace the changes and ride the waves of evolution!
Exact July 2 - Amplified anger, passion and power struggles.
Just days after the new moon we move into a Mars-Pluto square. This can be a very volatile encounter between Mars - the God of War and Pluto - Lord of the Underworld. Power struggles may be amplified as Mars represents visible power and Pluto is focused on invisible and hidden power. Be careful around this time.
At a positive and personal level you can really get to a point where you just have to do it and face it and move beyond limitations and fears! At the most positive level you could embrace Mars in Aries and just go forwards and charge ahead and use the energy to support you into taking action and initiating something in your life!
July 6 - Mars the warrior shifts gears in earthy and solid Taurus.
Mars shifts from his power sign Aries into earthy and grounded Taurus. This may bring temporary relief and a bit of respite from the big Pluto square. However, Mars’ move into Taurus initiates the beginning of the buildup to the big conjunction between Mars, the North Node and Uranus! This is a huge activation that plays out next lunar month. It’s so big that I am teaching a Masterclass on how to work with this once in a lifetime potent and potentially game changing aspect!
Exact July 19 - A time to soothe and rejuvenate our hearts and souls.
Once Venus moves into Cancer we will have the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer. This can bring in some much needed healing. Our emotions may need some soothing at this time and we can take a moment to connect in with what truly nurtures us and rejuvenate our hearts and souls at this intense time on Earth.
What we were seeding in at the new moon in Cancer may be activated at this time. I suggest setting really strong intentions at the new moon and then notice what starts to manifest around this time, which is just under a week after the full moon. Notice what is ripening in your life that supports and sustains you.
July 20 - More power struggles. Be mindful of other people’s triggers!
Power struggles again, really be mindful this lunar month as many people will potentially be feeling triggered. There are big power dynamics at play and given the greater cycles we are moving through and the times we are living in, these are becoming more visible and they seem to be bleeding into our personal realities in ways never seen before! Be mindful and take time out to rest your nervous system.
Pluto opposite the Sun can be a challenge to leaders and people in positions of power. This is a period of time to be wary of power dynamics in your personal world. Save big conversations with people in power for another week if you can help it.
July 23 - Leo season begins!
The Sun is the ruler of Leo and the Sun loves being in Leo! This can bring about an uplifting and lighter energy for us all. The energy will shift at this time.
This Leo season is a big one as we will experience the Mars-North Node-Uranus conjunction that will activate big patterns that we can all journey with in our personal lives. To prepare and journey with this please join my Masterclass event that will go through what this can mean for us collectively and how to journey with this cycle at the personal level… it’s a big life boost configuration!
Major Lunar Themes
June 28th/29th depending where you are in the world.
Healing with Great Mother Moon
Another beautiful new moon thank goodness... we really need these easy and supportive new moons as we move through these times of huge change on Earth.
Cancer rules what nourishes us. Cancer is ruled by the moon and they both rule our emotions making this a special time to get in touch with your internal world and what you are truly feeling. Once you are aware of what is going on emotionally, you can work with the energy of this new Great Mother Moon to heal your emotions. Give them to Great Mother Moon and allow them to heal and be soothed.
This new moon is a time to come back to what truly nurtures your soul and what truly sustains you so you can keep going with whatever challenges you are facing in your life.
You can’t keep going if you are empty. This new moon is a time to retreat and rebuild so that you can be strong and clear.
Maybe you can connect with your community more. Maybe you can reach out to people who are nurturing for you and that you can nurture.
What do you need to feel safe and secure so that you can thrive and help others? Seed this in at this new moon.
New moons are an excellent time to really stop and turn inwards. There is a deeply spiritual energy to this new moon so it would be highly recommended to sit, reflect on what is going on within and then sit and write down 3 things that you know will truly nurture your soul and your life.
Then take some actions in the weeks leading up to the full moon towards these intentions as a way of engaging with these deep inner knowings. This will only enhance what you are working with developing in your life.
Neptune stations retrograde at this new moon adding another layer of spiritual energy. To go deeper with the essence of this spiritual new moon, take a nurturing bath or go for a long walk in nature. Swim in the ocean. Connect with anything nourishing and healing as you soothe and heal your emotions.
Once Neptune turns retrograde fully, the layers of fog can be stripped back so that we see clearly. The rest of 2022 has a strong sense of getting real, seeing clearly and focusing on what is true. But, when Neptunes stations (stands still visually in the sky from Earth’s perspective) the Neptune energy of magic and spirituality are extra strong which only amplifies the healing and emotional nature of this new moon.
Take a big breath and connect with Great Mother Moon and send a loving prayer to all of our precious Mothers on Earth.
July 13th/14th depending where you are in the world.
Healing with Great Father / Patriarchy
This full moon is conjunct Pluto and is highly charged. Pluto amplifies everything it touches and with this full moon taking place in a hot zone in the zodiac, it is intense and one to take time out and work with in ritual to release old stories and pain.
This full moon is triggering the later degrees of Capricorn. As I already explained in the body of this snapshot, this is the area in the sky that has had big dynamics focused on deep changes around all of our institutions of power.
Capricorn rules over our big power structures on Earth and the way that we organise life on Earth through the big institutions such as governments, big corporations and old traditional ways.
Capricorn is also associated with patriarchal systems and we are seeing the shadow of these systems already being amplified as we journey towards this full moon.
This full moon may exacerbate the shadow dynamics playing out with men wielding their power over many vulnerable people in multiple countries across the world.
But this full moon may also activate a big response to the shadow of patriarchy that is being exposed at this time and there could be revolutionary acts and responses!
However, at the individual level, this full moon is a powerful moment for you to work with releasing any wounds associated with patriarchal approaches to life that have limited you personally.
Patriarchy asserts that men (and sometimes only certain men) are superior and this obviously comes with a myriad of problems and this includes the pain that many dear men have had to endure to fit in to certain archetypal patterns of negative superiority over others. Many men have been wounded and will have something to heal at this time.
Obviously many women will have much healing that can happen at this time also. It goes without saying that women need to heal and find their voice and step forwards with wisdom and compassion. Hopefully this can happen without too much toxicity.
And all of the minority groups that have been wounded by the patriarchal approaches to organising life on Earth will have much healing and activation at this time.
This full moon will go deep and bring up much to release and heal that is wounded from traditional, unquestioned values and beliefs coming from old institutions of power!
In a nutshell… this full moon is intense collectively but at the individual level, you have an opportunity to heal and release any wounding associated with the old traditions that have held you back and forced you into ways of being that are not true to your soul.
This full moon is your opportunity to clear what is in the way of your deeply nourishing new moon in Cancer intentions. Journey with us to get deep into the potential healing at this full moon by joining our Full Moon in Capricorn Online Gather & Ritual.
In Summary:
As you can see, this is a big month. Many of us are going to be struggling with big emotions and wounds so be mindful of each other and give space.
Take some time out for yourself to nurture and reboot at the new moon, then release old wounds, limitations and fears at the full moon. If you feel you would like some extra support, then join us at the Full Moon in Capricorn Online Gathering & Ritual where we will journey in deep meditation to heal old wounds, release emotions and let go of what no longer serves us together in ritual and ceremony.
And if you are struggling and wish to connect with me, please book a session and we will look at where in your chart this is playing out and journey with deep insights to help you navigate these great times on Earth.
Stay safe wonderful people and may you all journey well!
With love always,
Paula x
Full Moon in Capricorn Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. This month the full moon is in Capricorn and the focus will be getting real, wise and organised.
Connect with me on Instagram
I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.