Paula interviewed on The Now With Nat Podcast
I totally loved this conversation with the beautiful Natalie Thomas from The Now With Nat podcast.
I love sharing with humans who just get it and love to dive deeper and Natalie is one of those humans who genuinely gets it. I just know I could spend hours diving into esoteric subjects with Natalie as she has a way of opening up these subjects for sincere exploration and understanding.
Nat and I went deep into discussing all things astrology, ritual, and how you can access the energy of both the planets and the lunar cycles to shift both your inner and outer reality.
We also talked about Saturn returns, what my Astrology mentors were predicting about 2020, the patriarchy, how power structures are being challenged, and most importantly, what to expect astrologically for the rest of 2022 and into 2023.
There are HUGE changes on the horizon, with the month of October 2022 being a catalyst for restructuring and growth!
Check out Natalies podcast The Now With Nat and go on a journey with her as she has conscious conversations that expand your thinking, align your energy, and deepen your wellness practice.
“Paula gives us an eye-opening glimpse of what’s to come, and soulful advice to staying grounded and centred during these ever changing (and expansive!) times.”