Scorpio Season: Embracing Change and Transcending Fear


Edmonton: Nov 4th @ 3:14 PM
New York: Nov 4th @ 5:14 PM
London: Nov 4th @ 9:14 PM
Berlin: Nov 4th @ 10:14 PM
Delhi: Nov 5th @ 2:44 AM
Bali: Nov 5th @ 5:14 AM
Sydney: Nov 5th @ 8:14 AM


Edmonton: Nov 19th @ 2:57 AM
New York: Nov 19th@ 4:57 AM
London: Nov 19th @ 9:57 AM
Berlin: Nov 19th @ 10:57 AM
Delhi: Nov 19th @ 3:27 PM
Bali: Nov 19th @ 3:57 PM
Sydney: Nov 19th @ 7:57 PM


Welcome to The Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Scorpio happening November 4th/5th depending where you are in the world!

We have just entered into unpredictable and disruptive times. The energy is shifting, everything is changing at a more intensified rate. It's uncomfortable but read through this sharing and you may find some information that supports you on your journey at this time.

If you don't know how to be with change and you're trying to control things, you are going to be in trouble at these times and you will create suffering for yourself. But, also, do not swing to the opposite side of allowing everything to go along and just going with the flow in a spaced out way. This is a time to recognise that things are always changing and that we are living through a radical shift and if you can't be with that, you will suffer. However, the more consciously you can journey with these times, especially over the next couple of months, the more these times can actually make you stronger.

To support us all, I am offering a free 1 hour Eclipse Forecast Master Class on November 16th/17th, where we will go through the major dynamics of the eclipses and the other planetary dynamics that will play out over the next couple of months. In this call I will break down the cycles and go through ways we can work with this time at an individual level. This will be a live and recorded call and I will be answering questions that people have regarding these times.

This lunar month is not going to be easy. With big energy in potent Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Taurus - we are in for some deep karmic work. This is a lunar month of karmic culmination, facing fears, unearthing uncomfortable patterns and taking care of issues that have been with you for a long time.

I know this sounds heavy, however, we can embrace this time and consciously engage with the cycles to really address some uncomfortable dynamics in our lives. We have journeyed with a radical time of change over the last couple of years and the next 2 months will be a peak in these cycles for all of us.

If it gets heavy for you personally, please don't give up and don't lose faith. The astrology of the future suggests that we are moving towards ways of being on Earth that we have never seen before and it's not about being better or worse, good or bad... but it will for sure be very different in ways that I don't think we can really understand yet.

The next couple of months feels like a culmination of all that we have been moving through since the beginning of 2020 and the way the cycles are set up suggests to me that we have an opportunity to address some deep and painful issues this month that we know just need to shift.

This shift is amplified by and reflected in the greater cycle of the ongoing Saturn and Uranus square (which kicked off March 2021) and is now building in intensity and will peak for the third time on Christmas Eve / Christmas Day and into the first weeks of January 2022!

Saturn conserves and loves tradition.
Uranus progresses, rebels, liberates and loves innovation.

This cycle represents the challenge through the square aspect of a grand restructuring (Saturn) of new and innovative ways of being that lead us towards new paradigms (Uranus) for humanity (Saturn in Aquarius) at the deepest levels of what and how we value everything (Uranus in Taurus). The challenge is the place where one way must end for the new. The challenge also lies in the reality that many people don't like change and this can cause great tension.

This is such a deep transit and societal cycle that is penetrating every aspect of reality and if you can open your mind and heart to the great changes afoot, rather than being resistant and in fear, you can actually engage with these times at a personal level and allow this process to have its way with you. This can help you evolve and transform in ways that can only happen when the external environment is going through such a potent and undeniable transformation.

Fear of change is the enemy and the only thing that will cause us unnecessary distress through times of great change. Change is inevitable and not all change is good and not all change is bad, but it is going to happen whether we like it or not! When you open to change, you get to move with it rather than contract and withdraw.

Fear ends when you realise that the source of peace and happiness lies within and not in the outside world. I know this sounds too simple, but it is true and these are times where things are so chaotic and disruptive out there that you can only come back to your centre and rest within.

These cycles are forcing many of us to look within, to shift our values and to shift the way we interact with life. No, this does not mean some mass ascension is coming, there is no en-masse magical bypassing. The truth is that it is really hard and intense for everyone and the people who will grow through these times are the people who accept that change is inevitable and know that fear is an illusion.

This whole process is going to be amplified by the current eclipse season we have now entered into. The next two lunar months include eclipses. Eclipses shape destinies and ancient astrologers noticed eclipses impacted societies and their leaders and can bring about great disruption collectively. The full moon this lunar month is a partial lunar eclipse but before we get there, we kick off this lunar month with a deep new moon in Scorpio.

The new moon in Scorpio wants to support us to innovate something deep and potentially really painful. This new moon is all about unearthing shadow aspects in our lives. This lunation is exactly opposite Uranus which can bring powerful changes, karmic disruption and totally new realisations and lightbulb moments. Uranus also brings an unexpected edge to the lunar month, things can change really fast when this planet is involved.

Scorpio dynamics are amplified even more this month as we now have Mars in Scorpio getting ready to become visible and powerful again within days of the new moon! Tensions are going to rise. Mars is symbolic of war, revolution and taking action and with this happening within the realms of this new moon in Scorpio, I have a feeling there will be an impulse in the field of great action.

And if that wasn't enough, by November 6th Mercury will have moved into Scorpio. It's heavy. It's deep and it's all about facing our collective shadow and healing some old wounding as we clear out the old dynamics and move towards new ways of being.

These two planets - Mercury and Mars - will be conjunct in Scorpio the second week of November and will activate the square between Uranus and Saturn. Collectively - intense force and imposed structures... things may get edgy this month! At the individual level - making changes that you are determined to make to support your personal values and goals.

Then we have the lunar eclipse in Taurus! This is going to stir up issues connected to Taurus such as what we value and how we value things. Taurus is connected to the Earth and her resources and I'd say there is a deeper enquiry into what Earth needs for the future as we explore more of the climate change issues.

This eclipse does have a positive aspect to Pluto which continues the theme of deep transformation that is weaving throughout the entire lunar month. This lunar eclipse feels like ending and new beginnings all wrapped in one as does the new moon in Scorpio. What a powerful time to make deep changes! If you want to make big moves this month, then these cycles are saying go for it!

The next few months will have a strong focus on unearthing more and more of the collective shadow of how we have operated as a species and the impact this is having on our planet, this will be confronting for many of us however, the up side of all of this is that we can embrace the changes and co-create a way of being on Earth that we have never seen before.

At the personal level, this is a time to open our minds to what's possible. It's time we all embraced the great changes. We are being forced to make the moves we need and if we have been ignoring what needs to change, it will come to a tipping point over the next month or so where it will be unavoidable and we are forced to take action and evolve!

Major Themes


November 4th/5th depending where you are in the world.

Scorpio penetrates. Scorpio goes to the edge as a way to transform, transmute and to evolve. This new moon is a powerful moment to address something deep within that you have been aware was there for a long time. This is a moment to work deeply and intentionally, to face fears, and make the changes you know you need to in your life. If you don't face this time consciously, it will probably happen anyway as we are all being forced to do the work!

Uranus is involved which brings in the greater restructuring dynamic which is happening at the collective level into our own, very personal realities. But we don't have to fear this, we can use this energy to adjust and heal as we take steps to move our personal journey's forwards by honestly and courageously assessing what needs to evolve in our lives. 

When working with Scorpio, we will find magic in the shadow realms and our subconscious minds making this is a powerful lunar month to work with psychologists, shamanic healers and practices, journalling with the intention of unravelling what's at the core and of course ritual with the lunar phases to shift your internal reality!

Scorpio is connected to deep magic, alchemy and the deeper subconscious mind so when we are journeying in Scorpio waters we can shift our minds at the deepest level and this will shift the external reality. Remember, fear ends when you realise that real happiness and peace lies within and is there no matter what is going on in the external reality!


November 19th everywhere 
We can really work with this powerful eclipse. This is a North Node eclipse which is speaking to the future and moving forwards. Lunar eclipses are normally endings but this one has beginnings woven into it as well.

This is the first eclipse for the next set of eclipses that will be reshaping reality in 2022. We will all be assessing what we value. Our collective values will be shifting dramatically. At the individual level, notice what comes up around your values at this time and take a moment to reflect on how much this has shifted in your lifetime already... and know that there will be more shifts around these as we journey more through this turn of an age.

This eclipse is going to activate us at very deep levels. All eclipses are karmic but this one is aspecting some big planets making it this crazy mix of positive and negative and deep healing... it's all of it!  Join the free 
Eclipse Forecast Master Class to dive deeper into the dynamics of this eclipse!

I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. I am doing more videos and sharing on the cycles!

There is of course so much more going on this lunar month which I am weaving into rituals for people participating in
The Lunar Project.

The next 2 months may present as an encore of what has been going on in the world over the last 2 years. This is a strong time to look at what needs transforming in your life. Dig deep, heal and let go as you make yourself available to what wants to evolve and transform and upgrade in your life!

Also, watch out for the amplified polarisation. It will be strong over the next few months and it will be very tempting to take a side. I always remember one of my dear teachers saying that it is not wise to be for or against anything! Let it all in and practice discernment. Life is not black or white, it is complex and as we move more into the Aquarian paradigms, we are going to need to be able to navigate the complexity of life without being complicated!

There are so many dynamics at play but the answer is to embrace change and face your fears. When you work strongly with this, you will find that you can handle all of it and you are connected to your inner peace and wisdom no matter what is going on out there.

And always remember, we are all in this together so be gentle and kind with each other please!

With love always,

Paula X


Cutting Ties With the Past and Revisioning the Future


Evolving through motherhood and finding sacred in the mundane.